Vint Falken recently came across the Fiat car company's official presence in Second Life, and though she's not one to be easily impressed, she was in this case. So much so that she created a fun machinima featuring their working assembly line, which builds a car from start to finish with cartoon whimsy. (Direct SLURL teleport at this link.)
If you haven't read about Fiat's arrival in SL (it certainly slipped my radar), that's probably because it seems to be Fiat's Brazilian presence. (At least judging by all the Portuguese signage I caught on a brief visit, after reading Vint's post.) Which suggests yet another instance of US/EU myopia; we know quite a lot about the few successes and abundant failures of corporate promotion in SL aimed at Western Residents. But what do we know about campaigns targeted at, say, Japanese and Brazilian Residents, who comprise some of SL's very most active users?
Nice sim, definitely. Ad yeah, it's Fiat Latinoamerica running it... I wonder what happened to Fiat in their (and since a while my) home country of Italy. Svegliati!!
Posted by: Laetizia Coronet | Monday, February 18, 2008 at 05:49 AM
Funny thing is that it was Nock Forager's (awefully cute Japanese lady-avatar) that pointed me to this Brazilian sim. Yeah, we stay within our RL continent borders to much in SL. :(
Main problem that I have with the Japanese sims is that google translate does not work on them and that I often stand there shouting 'does anybody typs English here?'. ;) (Hint: If there are avatars that react to that, tip your translaters some L$. Only to often they need to take a dictionary aside themselves.)
Posted by: Vint Falken | Monday, February 18, 2008 at 07:41 AM
Hi Folks.
For information, this SIM was made by Agência Click ( from Brazil and i have the pleasure to participate too.
We are glad to see our work recognized worldwide. Tanks. :)
Posted by: Ricardo Aum | Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 11:37 AM