Lyra Muse reminds me of a surprising thing: I've been writing about Second Life for almost five years. Lyra, you see, was one of the first Residents I met in the pre-Beta months of 2003. Here she is in May of that year, about to attack me
(you'll have to read the old Linden archive, to find out why.) She introduced me to Catherine Omega, and was a source for the War of the Jessie Wall, and now, half a decade later, she looks back on those years as Lyra Millionsofus, community manager at the
metaverse company of the same name (and a partner of this blog.) If you know her, be sure to stop by her blog post and share some stories; if you haven't met her, introduce yourself, and get to know one of the most seasoned Residents still extant.
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One of my favorite people...
Posted by: Gillian Waldman | Saturday, February 09, 2008 at 09:02 AM
Gillian had to point this out to me, I missed it somehow.. and while she is also one of MY favorite people, you sir are in trouble.
Just you wait til we do your event, haha...
Posted by: Lyra Muse | Monday, March 03, 2008 at 06:44 PM