I describe Lessig as Second Life's Jefferson because shortly after the Resident Tax Revolt of 2003, he advised the Lindens to let users retain the underlying intellectual property rights to their in-world creations-- a revolutionary policy move that transformed not just SL, for it was quite influential to the direction of many other Web 2.0 systems. (Also known in Second Life as "Lawrence Lessig", here he is at an in-world appearance from 2006.) He is now considering a run for US Congress, a move with many pros and cons on both sides. Cory Doctorow (also known as "Cory Doctorow" in SL) provides more background to the "Lessig '08" campaign at Boing Boing. For myself, I have deep admiration and gratitude for Larry, but I'm genuinely unsure if his keen intellect and ideals are best served in democracy's scrummiest trenches. But decide for yourself, and go here to let him know.
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