Late Monday I was on the deck of my Waterhead office praying to the rain gods so they might water Dingo's massive cannabis plant which grows brown from neglect, but gradually found myself distracted by the snow white griffin floating just above me. Unlike most
griffins I know, his wings were fully articulated, you see, curving and scooping the air every other second. The griffin's name was xstorm Radek, and being polite, I said hello. The griffin said nothing. It was round 3am and quiet, even for Waterhead, which usually teems, due to the new citizen's Welcome Area nearby.
So as sheets of rain poured across the deck accompanied by Dingo's private thunder, Radek remained silent and where he was, nobly hovering. It was hardly the first unexpected, unexplained visitor to my deck, and hardly the strangest. (There I slightly favor the penguin piloting the robot exoskeleton, and the zookeeper princess he befriended.)