Last Tuesday the Lindens introduced Dazzle, a new "First Look" version of the client which adds a translucent, glowing hue to the confusing user interface, universally reviled as the chief culprit behind Second Life's paltry 10% retention rate. It's a project described by fronted [See Update below] Torley Linden, who's promoting it as a major step to improving SL's usability. Gray windows now look glassy, dark green frames changed to a silvery blue.
Pham Neutra of SLOG gave it a try, however, and remains remarkably unimpressed:
What has happened is basically nothing more than the application of a
new skin and color scheme. Cosmetic changes... The illogical grouping of commands into menus with arcane or misleading
names is still the same. Some important commands are still well hidden,
rarely needed ones appear in the menu top levels.
As a First Look client, Dazzle may add user suggestions before becoming part of the official release, so we should give Torley and team the benefit of the doubt. (Especially Torley, whose dedication to SL is unimpeachable.) On that score, Pham has some great questions for the Lindens, which will make Dazzle a real improvement: