Rik Riel's weekly round-up of upcoming SL events...
The Relay for Life is not the only cancer-focused charity in Second Life. The UK-based MacMillan Cancer Support Group and the Avon Breast Cancer Foundation have both held in-world fundraisers and education events in the past months. And now there's the "THON." The THON is a two-day dance-a-thon to fight childhood cancer held every February at Penn State University. Over the past 35 years, the THON has raised millions of dollars and have helped thousands of children and families fight pediatric cancer. On Friday February 22, a "Virtual THON" will be held in Second Life at Mill Pond (click here to teleport) to coincide with the real world THON. From 6PM to midnight PST, the event will feature live musicians, DJs and other festivities. Come out to dance, donate and fight for a cure!
Also Coming Up This Week: a state fair for a new e-learning initiative, avatars in the buff, scripting HUDs for fun and profit, supporting user communities in the metaverse, new country, old school blues, rock n' roll and much much more...
(All listings in SLT, i.e. Pacific Standard Time)
February 21-23 - eXtension Virtual State Fair
Celebrate the launch of eXtension,
a new web-based education
initiative at the eXtension Virtual State Fair. Watch live video of the
eXtension ribbon cutting ceremony from
Washington DC. Visit the Expo Tent spotlighting sixteen communities of
practice. Take a virtual horseback ride, tour the animal barns, try out
the bumper cars. At Morrill (Click here to teleport.)
Thursday, February 21
1PM - Interview with Author Warren Adler
Author Warren Adler will be discussing three of his stories: “Good Neighbors,” “The Mean Mrs.
Dickstein,” and “The Cherry Tree." At Amazon Developers 1 (Click here to teleport.)
1-2PM - Showing of Gina Glimmer's SL Photography
Gina Glimmer presents her SL photography that recalls the works of Spencer Tunick, who has shot hundreds of nude people from around the world.
At Experience Italy W (Click here to teleport.)
1:30PM - Syd Sydran in Concert
Rock n' roll pianist and guitarist Syd Sydran performs live at Kindred Isle (Click here to teleport.)
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Friday, February 22
1AM - How HUDs Work
Heads up Displays or HUDs are used in orientation, role playing, competitions and for many other uses.
This class will give you an overview and practical experience and
making one and seeing how it displays and gathers information from
external sources. At Travitown (Click here to teleport.)
4-5PM - Transgender Resource Center Open House
The Transgender Resource Center is holding an open house, welcoming all who are interested in gender identity issues. The TRC has information related to cross dressing, drag
culture, and transsexualism as well as a warm, open, and serious-minded
community in which it is safe to explore these topics. At Pavonia (Click here to teleport.)
6PM - Blues with Tone Uriza
Tone Uriza plays straight up blues live at Morrill (Click here to teleport.)
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Saturday, February 23
1-3PM - Sophrosyne Salon on Artesia and User Communities
Head to The Nexus in Extropia Core to catch host Grace McDunnough interviewing Sophrosyne Salon guests iAlja
and IYan Writer for a discussion of user
communities in synthetic worlds. Yan Writer and iAlja Writer are co-founders of Artesia, a new company
focusing on user communities. At Extropia Core (Click here for teleport.)
Phoenix Fisseux performs "New Country" at Broadway Live Island (Click here to teleport.)
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Sunday, February 24
12PM - Images of Argentina by Louis Volare
Multi-talented musician, composer and photographer Louis Volare
presents his photos from his recent travels in Argentina at Nantucket (Click here to teleport.)
1PM - Communication for Newbies
This class will take a close look at SL's Communicate window and
explore the most popular modes of communication: chat, instant messaging, notecards,
and voicechat. You'll discuss how and when to use each of them At Zugspitze (Click here to teleport.)
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Join Rik's group on Eventful.com to stay up to date on what's happening in SL-- info on submitting event notices below. Visit Rik's blog, Click Heard Round the World.
New World Notes often highlights events for the upcoming week. If you'd like an event to be considered, send the description and event link to Rik Riel via IM or e-mail him at [email protected].
Main guidelines:
- Events for the coming week must be received by Monday Noon SLT.
- Events posted in SL's official listing board greatly preferred.
- Events with artistic, cultural, scientific, political, creative, and/or educational value preferred.
- Events sponsored or promoted by real world corporations are usually not appropriate to NWN Events. Instead, consider advertising your event on New World Notes.
- Bonus consideration given to game-related or machinima events, and for events with "I've never seen that in SL before" value.