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Wednesday, March 26, 2008


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Will have to make time to attend one of their concerts.

Keystone Bouchard

imho, Chouchou is easily one of the most inspiring projects in all of SL. It blurs so many perceived boundaries - between fashion, graphic arts, music architecture and more. More impressive still is that they are able to cross so many boundaries yet the core concept and aesthetic remains strong and undiluted.

Komuso Tokugawa

Let me say first ChouChou's act/music is sublime, the videos uber cool.

I just have a couple of issues with some of your statements that I think need clarification.

"He transmits his music digitally, she records her vocals over them, and in Second Life, they perform live together while several thousand miles away."

Are they actually performing the music live in SL or playing a recording into SL? It's actually a valid form of performance if advertised as such [Spacejunky do it] but I think you need to be very clear about what is music performed live versus a performance that consists of pre-recorded streamed music.

"For those reasons and more, we are likely to see more bands adopting the Chouchou model, charging for live performances in fantastic, virtual world venues that complement their genre and individual style."

Say wha.......Chouchou model?
Are they actually charging for these gigs currently, or just intending to?

There's a number of SL musicians who have been experimenting with variations of this over the last two++ years, certainly pre-chouchou period

Ticketed virtual performances, custom avatars, custom settings have been done before them. Just to set the record straight...

In terms of monetizing it though you do need to add more than just a looping guitar playing avatard on a stage with cheap lighting.
In that respect Chouchou are ahead by designing in other elements to make the experience more uplifting and immersive, escpecially if they are playing a recording and are essentially constructing a real time immersive music experience similar to Grace's Musimmersion [though she does play live].

There are also other ways to create a higher value unique experience for the audiences in the metaverse.
The most recent interesting one with great audience potential I'm quite excited about is real time distributed jamming...there are some new ones coming out soon I hear;-)

In my own case I stopped performing live two years ago for various reasons to concentrate on this emerging sphere of live virtual performance.
That said, I was persuaded to drag myself down to BarTube last night to jam with some fellow sl musicians... http://sonicviz.com/blog/2008/03/28/virtual-fun/

cu in the bitstream , kt


I'm really excited about this idea and hoping to make the next Chouchou show. You guys/gals? made some good points. I did the physical world thing for a long time as musician, '80-'98 and started using preprogrammed arrangements on stage with a Roland D20, doing solo. That was in the late 80's. I had played in bands and then duos, and after awhile it was all well...a lot of work and little reward. Moving towards using technology, live and in the studio, to do exactly what I wanted, was a practical and creative decision.
It totally changed what and how I wrote and performed music.
"Creating an experience" was always a part of the creative mix, now with SL and future 3D VWs, it's wild where it could go. My whole orientation to experiencing music and performance is changing rapidly. I love it!

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