Recent dispatches from the outside world...
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Jon Stewart's cadre unleashed a barrage of mockery over last week's Congressional hearing on yesterday's show, and the segment represents a larger cultural milestone than the actual hearing. The usual easy targets are identified and strafed ("the game for people without a first life", whimsical avatar names like Glitteractica Cookie, concern over Al Qaeda in the metaverse, etc.), but then Jon turns the segment over to Rob Riggle/Beowulf Porpoiseburg, the virtual correspondent with a dolphin head and giant breasts, and it veers into actual wit. An avatar-based Code Pink protestor meets a grim, anime-worthy end, and Porpoiseburg finds true love with a minotaur; in other words, a typical night in Second Life. Mysteriously, however, the Daily Show's SL segment was not actually created in-world, so paradoxically, their version of the virtual is even more virtual. Too bad the producers didn't get a look at the Stephen Colbert machinima for inspiration. (Before Viacom got it pulled, that is.)
I bet we'll see a lot more dolphins with breasts, now. On porpoise.
Posted by: Cyn Vandeverre | Wednesday, April 09, 2008 at 03:22 AM
If we do, they'll probably be having a whale of a time.
Posted by: Harper Ganesvoort | Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 11:18 AM