This is genius: SL artist Angrybeth Shortbread created a giant typewriter that sends out tweets when you click (or hop) out a 140 character message on the keys, then hit the carriage return. (Click the screenshot to see my "Hamlet wuz here" message appearing on the "SLtypewriter" Twitter feed.) Ms. Shortbread actually created the typewriter last year for a major real world publisher, but I only discovered it today via her blog. (Then again, as I often say, there's a frightening wealth of amazing content I only learn about months after the fact, if at all.)
In any case, it's still available for random tweeting by passersby, upstairs in The Pencil Factory, Angrybeth's SL office which contains many other marvels. Direct SLURL teleport to the location at this link.
AngreyBeth is amazing.
Posted by: Osprey Therian | Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at 03:49 PM