Recent dispatches from the outside world...
Second Life and the Public Good: A Community Challenge
Introduced yesterday by former Linden CTO Cory Ondrejka and judged by Rik Riel (along with Howard Rheingold and the American Cancer Society's Randall Moss), the USC Network Culture Project is seeking SL-related proposals that create projects which advocate "conservation, human rights and international justice, global peace and security, reproductive health, digital media and learning, or juvenile justice." Up to three finalists will get L$100,000 a month and land for three months to realize that vision. There are information sessions on May 12th and 14th; proposals are due June 1st. Go here to get all the details.
Thanks for highlighting this, Hamlet! It's a great initiative.
Posted by: rikomatic | Wednesday, May 07, 2008 at 09:53 AM
Community Conversations and Q&A times:
May 12th at 9PM PST (great for half the world)
May 15th at Noon PST (for the other half of us!)
Our goal is to facilitate dialogue on how we can create real world public good through these virtual spaces and we encourage all groups with a great idea to submit and proposal and get involved.
Posted by: In Kenzo | Wednesday, May 07, 2008 at 10:12 AM