Negko's subversive and mordantly beautiful "Rust, the Death of Iron Man" was actually made possible by the companies which produced the blockbuster movie. "I picked up the free Iron Man outfit that won the contest to promote the movie in Second Life," DeVinna explains. He added just a few post-production effects, bringing out the rust in the armor and the light from Tony Stark's chest. "The scene takes place at the New Relic, specially designed for better viewing with WindLight clients." (Direct SLURL teleport to the site at this link.) As for its inspiration, Negko says: "I read a bit of comics when I was a kid (yes we know Marvel, even in France!) As the whole super hero mythology is all inspired from the Greek and Roman mythology, adventures of the super heroes are generally tragedies (just think of The Thing's sex life.)"
Want to send me a Tableau of your own? Submission guidelines after the break. For inspiration, see the full New World Tableau series here.
Submitting to New World Tableau:
New World Tableau is an ongoing album featuring Residents who've turned SL screenshots into a new art form, vividly conveying emotions, stories, and entire cultures in a single image.
- If you come across a picture or image stream that deserves a place
here, please IM (Hamlet Au) or e-mail ([email protected]) me the link. Please e-mail me the image as a file link, or attached as an .jpeg or .gif, as long as it's under a meg in size.
- Submitting as an in-world texture not recommended, as they often come out distorted and not high res.
- Feel free to describe what the image says to you, or if you're the creator, what inspired you to make it.
- Whenever possible, name the
Residents pictured, and include a SLURL to the location (when appropriate.)
Moderately Photoshopped
images are OK, just mention if this is the case, and what effects were
added. (On rare occasions when the post-production adds a special
element, heavily Photoshopped images are also appropriate.)
If you submit an image to NWT, it's assumed I have permission to run
it, either as the owner, or because it's been appropriately CC
licensed. The original creator retains all their rights to it, in any