Yesterday, I was on an Orange Island Games Week panel talking SL as a game platform, along with developers Cyphien Heart, Piegaro Riel, Kiana Writer, and host Akela Talamasca of Massively. The full transcript has just been published here, and it's worth a read. Here's some of what I said, summarized into three bite-sized chunks of advice for would-be SL game developers:
Embrace The Constraints: I’d say you should first think of the reasons not to make games in SL, because there’s a lot of them that the platform simply can’t support just yet. That’s probably why Tringo has so far been the only break out success. And that was [made] in 2004. It’s very true that it’s great as a prototyping platform, but I’ve seen too many really really great projects get undone by problems or drawbacks with SL, or even upgrades that undermine the developer’s progress. Now that said, there’s still a lot of great potential, I’m only cautioning that developers come here with those drawbacks in mind...