I'll be speaking tomorrow at O'Reilly's Where 2.0 in Burlingame, California, a conference devoted to mapping the real world in the Web 2.0 era. My topic, of course: "Mirror World: Using MMOs for Real World Mapping". Afterward I'll be signing books. Hope to see you there!
Update, 5/13: Bumped. Here's more on topics covered in my talk:
- Lord of the Rings Online meets Google Maps (and other Web 2.0 apps).
- Couple create topographic globe with dynamic real world weather.
- David Rumsey's Maps: Interactive sculpties bring cartography to life.
- Planespotting: Google Earth/Second Life mash-up tracks LAX airplane traffic.
- London, Reloaded: UK Spacial Analyst imports and rezzes city data in real time.
- Google Maps In The Metaverse.
- The Most Impressive Second Life-on-Cellphone Demo So Far.