If you're searching for fun events this weekend, check out Lanna's List. If you're looking for sites to explore, here's three recently featured in the Second Life blogosphere, with further info and SLURL teleport in each post:
- SL Free*Style has scary fun in [Rec], an innovative survival-zombie-horror game which appears to be created by a Japanese developer to promote an upcoming Spanish horror movie. Set in a huge apartment complex, it comes with a heads-up display that changes your view to look like a video camera. Then the frights start coming out of the darkness. Tenshi Vielle of Shopping Cart Disco also has a report on [Rec] with many great terror-laden pics. (Naxos Loon tipped me about [Rec] last week, but frankly, it took me days to get over the schizophrenia simulator, and that wasn't even trying to be scary, so I'll pass.)
- Jeanricard Broek reminds us that we need to visit Emvee Cuba, a gloriously textured recreation of pre-Castro Havana from Metaversatility. (It opened last month, which is when Iris Ophelia enthused about it to me, and Rik Riel compared it to modern-day Cuba, which he recently visited.)
- Ysé of French SL blog Ysé SLiffeuse Et Gloodeuse takes us on a stroll through a Grecian island town, built on a cliff overlooking the sea.
Yeah the haunted house is pretty damn scary. Nicely done.
Posted by: rikomatic | Friday, May 23, 2008 at 10:13 PM
REC was fun and I am pleased to report I was unharmed by the experience of visiting except i want braaaaaaaaaains.
Posted by: Mitch Wagner | Saturday, May 24, 2008 at 11:41 PM
It was scary. It was frightening enough before the accidental upskirt shot.
Ladies, do NOT walk in here with flexiprim skirt. you will regret it eventually...
But I'd be interested in watching REC... with English subtitles... if they come out with it. :D
Posted by: Patchouli Woollahra | Sunday, May 25, 2008 at 06:49 AM