As far as we know, 3D Auction is a Japanese-based company offering real-time, immersive auctions in Second Life for both real and virtual items-- speakers for your iPod, say, or stylized avatars for your virtual cosplay, bought with Linden Dollars. Bidding is conducted in a grand auction hall; outside is a long display wall detailing the items for sale. Among the goods put up for bid (to judge by this screenshot at least) is a bowl of live kittens. Metaverse travelogue writer Garth Goode recently discovered the island during his random travels, and has an extended report here. (Direct SLURL teleport to 3D Auction Island at this link.)
Like me, however, Garth's stymied by the language barrier-- especially the kitties where the starting bid seems to be L$1000. "That must really be for kitten food," Garth wonders, worried. "Or… something… right?"
I've contacted some of the 3D Auction owners, but haven't received a reply as yet; so instead, I plead with my Japanese-fluent readers. What's the deal here? Is this truly the first known moment in which real life can be purchased for virtual currency?