Here's a project worth keeping an eye on: mirror, glass, and high-performance material manufacturer Saint-Gobain has set up a presence in Second Life through Stonfield InWorld, a French metaverse developer. "[T]he main reason SGG is now in Second Life," Stonfield's blog explains, "is to share ideas and invent their next generation of products with a great focus on sustainable development. If I read this post right, they'll test market virtual versions of Sain-Gobain products designed to reduce buildings' carbon footprint. The project is supposed to begin in earnest this September. Hat tip: Keystone Bouchard via Dusan Writer.
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Am I the only one to be shocked by Saint Gobain's latest inworld advertising campaign, with its heavy use of French President Sarkozy's image?
Well, check by yourself:
Posted by: Christophe Hugo | Tuesday, July 01, 2008 at 09:51 AM
@ChristopheHugo : I don't know who's done that build, but it's not from us or our client... By the way, it looks like a fake.
Saint-Gobain Glass' building is here and it's the only of its kind for SGG :
Feel free to get in touch if needed...
Posted by: Pierre-Olivier Carles | Wednesday, July 02, 2008 at 07:02 AM