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Monday, July 28, 2008


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Ann Otoole

I don't know about anyone else but I have observed a drastic overall improvement with Second Life in the two months since Mark Kingdon came on board. That is quite an achievement given the nature of Second Life and it's vastness in all conceivable ways. I'm looking forward to more improvements and hopefully a lot more concurrency capability so the Lab can actually market this wonderful place to a broader range of potential residents!

Tateru Nino

Kingdon hasn't been in long enough to have any influence on things that would filter through into practical results. What we're seeing is the results of the work of the old guard; Philip and maybe even Cory.

Ann Otoole

No Tateru. It sure isn't anything to do with the old guard because very little happened with them at the helm except erosion of quality. The new CEO is making changes and it is obvious. Someone is actually driving now and it is obvious because the entire effort was adrift and going nowhere before.

The difference feels like there is some*one* in charge now. Not just a bunch of people doing whatever they please because the boss is too afraid of them to fire them.

BJ Tabor

If they want to find out how the in-game economy really works why don't they survey the businesses like the Fed does in RL?

Rusalka Writer

Very interesting. Those were questions I had wondered about as a content creator. I am already thinking about avenues for diversification, should any of my current businesses go away due to upgrades. I'm glad to hear that LL is thinking about the impact of their decisions on in-world businesses.

So long as LL keeps to the forefront that stability is Job #1, we should do well. I agree that the entire experience has been improving over the last few months. Heck. I haven't TP'ed somewhere to find all my attachments stuck to my behind in weeks!

Timeless Prototype

And so, history shall repeat, yet again. Everyone ready to profit from the predictable?

We'll see privacy issues and intellectual property issues being raised in relation to LL studying transactions and land usage in too great a depth. Please consider that some of the edge that a business has over another is that they themselves did the groundwork on market analysis and moved to meet it at the right time.

Vertical niche fillers will be able to fund next generation in-world research and development, but if you level the playing field you'll get a flood of everyone doing whatever the stats say is successful, decreasing the value of whatever is produced and no single entity scaling up to larger levels. More than likely all going bust.

Why should Linden Lab be allowed to publish the secrets of what makes one company successful if that company did all the research and hard work to do well with their own product/service? That would be abuse of power, IMHO. If the successful company chooses to publish their facts and figures for a fee they'd be competing with figures published about the same business for free by Linden Lab. Again, completely devalues what we do in world.

Bottom line: yes, LL has the data but they should take the moral high ground and keep it fair and not analyse it in such great depth.

I'd rather LL worked on tools we can use as businesses to *manage and run* our own businesses in world and perhaps even manage and secure intellectual property across temporary staff in world. Can anyone imagine EVE Online business management and accounting capabilities merged into SL? Now *that's* a roadmap I'd enjoy. And throw in EVE Online whilst you're at it. :)

M Linden, ignoring the people will make you just like any other big corporate CEO who's lost sight of what made the company a success in the first place. Don't fall into this predictable trap, it's all too easy to do. From what I see here is that you want to hear us, but can't see how to do it feasibly. This is equivalent to totally ignoring everyone until there is an established means of communication.

Oh, and welcome to SL, M. :)

Thanks Hammie for bringing us the word from the Man. :)

'It is obvious'

Ann Otoole's self-confidence = Complete fail

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