When their owners go away from their keyboard for too long, Second Life avatars are coded to slump forward at the waist, like a puppet with no one pulling its strings. Vidal Tripsa took that visual metaphor for the AFK state to another level by creating an avatar with a puppeteer's cross, permanently floating above her head. In a recent post, she explains what it means to her: "As far as I am concerned this cross is an essential part of me," she concludes, "just as
much as my arms and legs might be, were I a living being. It lends me
no actual physical aid, but says far more about my persona than any
outfit, name choice or group tag could."
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Oh, er, why, thank you for the highlight, Hamlet! I'm not sure what to say beyond that, actually. I'm a little dumbstruck, as would apparently be quite fitting for my kind.
Posted by: Vidal Tripsa | Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 05:22 PM
Hamlet, you've been doing a wonderful job chronicling identity experimentation in SL.
Thank you for covering what I think is one of the most significant aspects of the medium - and special thanks for the hat-tip to Vids, one of the dearest beings in any world!
Posted by: Sophrosyne Stenvaag | Saturday, July 26, 2008 at 06:46 PM