Connie's last Tableau entry featured the denial of death; "Ooops", by contrast, features the denial of gravity, to sassy effect. (Click for full view.) "How did I do it?" she writes me. First task, of course, involved finding a locked-knee avatar pose. "I then textured a floor and background prim, then angled and placed them so my feet were placed relatively realistically. I then used the environmental lighting controls to set the shadows on my legs to match the light... For the undies, I grabbed a pic of [a pair] from the Net, cut them from the original, and stretched and transformed them [in Photoshop], then stamped a second copy slightly behind the first. Using a brush, I tidied up the cutout and painted slight shadows where the strap meets the skin. I then added in the shadow of the legs and panties onto the floor prim." Pixel Mode, the maker of the shoes, liked the image so much, Connie reports, that the company now displays it at the store's new location.
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Great pic !
But I wonder, was Connie carrying celery at that time ? XD
(click on the link for the Art Frahm reference...)
Posted by: Nahasa Singh | Sunday, October 12, 2008 at 05:41 AM