Earlier today, when I wrote about the Lindens' recently announced zoning regulations which will probably prohibit intrusive advertising on portions of Second Life's main continents, I randomly went looking for an eyesore-inspiring billboard to illustrate the change. The first one I flew into was quite literally this one-- a giant, ugly-ass, spinning cube promoting Open Simulator. In other words, one of the most obtrusive ads on Second Life's main continent is for an alternative to Second Life.
Which, as you might guess, complicated the screenshot I originally had in mind.
It's owned and created by Maxx Monde, a veteran builder and metaverse company developer who's been in-world since 2003. "I made the sign in the middle of June this year," Maxx tells me. "Just trying to raise awareness for alternatives to the Linden Lab grid, etc." The Open Sim billboard cube is linked to a web guide to Open Sim that Maxx wrote. "[T]he guide registers 70-100 plus hits a day," Maxx tells me. It's doubtful that the particular ad has anything to do with Lindens' recent policy shift against advertising such as this, but as anyone who runs a website can tell you, Maxx Monde's Open Sim message seems to be getting an extremely good clickthrough rate.
Update, August 7: In Comments, Maxx Monde has more on the ad.
1.) I haven't had any complaints. If I had, the sign would be modified.
2.) When you IMed me last night, there was no mention that you were asking for quotes on your blog.
3.) My opensim website is a wordpress blog, which has no advertising and generates no revenue.
4.) The main opensim developers have nothing to do with my promotional efforts, in case you were curious.
5.) The sole purpose for this is to raise awareness of opensim as an alternative to main linden lab run grid.
Posted by: Maxx Monde | Thursday, August 07, 2008 at 10:30 AM
Maxx, I thought I'd checked about quoting you, I apologize hugely for missing that.
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Thursday, August 07, 2008 at 11:19 AM