Last week I wondered if Burning Life was still relevant in Second Life's post-Burning Man era; recently I noticed that GavinLeigh Wake created an unofficial blog devoted to the upcoming temporary arts festival in SL. Right now it's mostly a compilation of Burning Life announcements, recollections of past Burns, but I can see it becoming a great resource and community gathering place for 2008 and beyond.
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Just to round out that info, GavinLeigh's been covering Burning Life live since 2006. Although he is the sole writer, there's a great deal of pretty open conversation and multiple points of view in the comments as well, and his blog is an important historical record of many aspects of the last two Burning Life events.
He also started an inworld group last year for general BL conversation after the official group clamped down on non-organizational chatter. Enrollment in " Community Chat" is free and open to any who are interested in the festival, and should prove just as lively this year as it was last year.
Posted by: Jamma Newt | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 01:21 PM
Well that vital resource was threatend with legal action and is now closing down, which is a right old shame
Posted by: Loki | Wednesday, October 08, 2008 at 08:26 AM