Beresford’s weekly round-up of upcoming SL events…
There will also be opportunities to support Locks of Love, an RL organization that donates wigs to children who suffer hair loss due to cancer, burns, and other conditions. There will be donation kiosks around the Fair, and each designer will also donate 50% of proceeds from one style to Locks of Love. In Rezzable Create (click here to teleport).
Also this week: Final performances of the Wall V-2, panels on SL community-building, mashup dance party, and a fire in my kitchen! All that and more after the jump...
(All times in SLT, "Second Life Time"-- i.e., Pacific Standard)
Thursday, August
4 PM – Inventory
If you are anything like me, you have and inventory that
is a bit out of control! This event will
offer advice for keeping tabs on your inventory and a look at some of the
products available to help you tame the inventory beast. In Dreams (click here to teleport).
6 PM – Space:
Steampunk party in outer space! At the landing point, click on the Tesla Lounge sign to teleport directly
to the party. In Opus (click here to teleport).
Anataine will share her experiences as a commercial professional photographer
in SL. This lecture is part of a series
presented on Tuesday and Thursday in August by The Photo Institute, a
completely in world school for virtual photography. In Vehicle (click here to teleport).
Friday, August 22
This weekend marks your last chances to see the Wall V- 2! After 28 performances to more than 2000
avatars, come see the final presentations of this immensely popular SL by Cybernetic
Art Research Project. In addition to the
Friday show, there will also be a performance on Sunday, August 24 at 2
PM. This is likely to be a popular
event; the shows start promptly at 2, so be sure to arrive early! In NMC Campus
West (click
here to teleport).
9 PM – Bitstream Boogie in Dominion
Come see
this wonderful virtual blues trio playing in real time from different parts
of the globe. Komuso Tokugawa (Tokyo,
Japan), Noma Falta
(Atlanta, USA) and HatHead Rickenbacker (Toronto, Canada) come
together to perform a wide range of blues and boogie. In Dominion (click here to teleport).
Saturday, August
This is the August meeting of the SL Business Association,
a group for the business people of SL to come collaborate, network, and learn
from each other. The event will last
about 2 hours and is a great time for people to making connections and
contacts. In Alviso (click
here to teleport).
11 AM – It’s
Foxtrot Time
Love dancing? Come
for the party to release Maar Auer’s newest creation: It’s Foxtrot time. To get into the spirit of the dance, there
will be a performance by talented jazz
musician Aira Jun as well as foxy oldies on Radio Riel. In Cherish (click here toe teleport).
This is one of a pair of panels that will take a look
at lessons learned that can make - or break - communities in Second Life.
What's the "glue" that holds virtual world communities together? What
helps people engage? What are the challenges? What Second Life tools and
features help - or hinder the process? Saturday’s panel will focus on island
communities and Sunday's panel will focus on mainland communities. Saturday Panelists:
Sophrosyne Stenvaag, Director, Extropia Core; Fleet Goldenberg, Community
Manager, EduIslands II, 5 & 6. Moderator: Tara Yeats. In Chilbo’s Shrubbery Amphitheatre (click here to teleport).
TCH Estates' second full Surfers Open surfing competition is a monthly contest that
has introduced a unique judging format that includes the votes of spectators. Competition open to all entries on a
first-come-first-served basis; registration starts at 11:30 and competition at
12:15. Spectators welcome on the viewing deck at TCH Enterprises. In TCH Estates (click
here to teleport).
1:30 PM – Gigi,
Bijou and Mirai Fashion Show
Come see designs by these wonderful fashion shops. In Innocence (click here to teleport)
9 PM – Bootie SL
Looking for something fun? Come to Second Life's monthly mashup bootleg
party, spinning only the finest bootlegs and bastard pop. In Kara Zor Island (click here to
Sunday, August 24
This is one of a pair of panels that will take a look
at lessons learned that can make - or break - communities in Second Life.
What's the "glue" that holds virtual world communities together? What
helps people engage? What are the challenges? What Second Life tools and
features help - or hinder the process? Panelists: Fleep Tuque, Land Steward, Chilbo
Community Building Project; Prokofy Neva, Owner, Ravenglass. Moderator:
Tara Yeats. In Chilbo’s Shrubbery Amphitheatre (click here to teleport).
12 PM – Machinima:
The Demise
Machiniplex will be
screening The Demise, a World of
Warcraft machinima created by Surgee. Surgee
has fallen unto some difficult financial times so this screening will also
serve as a benefit to help get this talented director a new computer so can
keep making his excellent films. In
HatHead (click here to
2 PM – Discuss Coming of Age in Second Life with Author
Tom Boelltorff
The Steelhead Public Library is sponsoring a conversation
with Tom Bukowski (Tom Boellstorff in RL). Tom is the author of Coming of Age in Second Life.
Tom is Associate Professor of Anthropology at University of California, Irvine
and Editor in Chief of American Anthropologist.
He hosted the recent atomic-world conference "Cultures of Virtual
Worlds," and has been an embedded anthropologist in Second Life since
2004. His new book is an anthropological study of Second Life's cultures
and subcultures. In Anteater Island (click here to teleport).
Monday, August 25
Are you curious about how to play the Tiny Empires HUD game? Come on down and have all your burning
questions answered. In Wollaston (click here to teleport).
Image by Yukali. Used under Creative Commons License.
1 PM – Coda
Cazalet in Bosamba
Come hear Coda
Cazalet’s talented singing and saxophone performance. In Chartreux (click here to teleport).
Tuesday, August 26
This is an open table forum centers on what can be
learned in SL in both formal and informal settings. The forum is open to faculty, students, and
interested parties of all kinds. In
Hyperborea (click
here to teleport).
This workshop on cooking is a humorous look into the
adventures of a single parent who learned the hard way and with a great deal of
trepidation how to cook, feed his children, friends and the rare date with a measure
of dignity and (hopefully) good food - recipes are included! In Akamu Cove (click here to
Prathivi will be talking about his approach to photography. This lecture is part of a series presented on
Tuesday and Thursday in August by The
Photo Institute, a completely in world school for virtual photography. The winners of Koinup’s Quintessence contest will
be announced. In Vehicle (click here to teleport).
Wednesday, August
6 PM – Book
Discussion: A Rage in Harlem
A Rage in
Harlem is one of author Chester
Himes series of Harlem detective novels with recurring characters
"Coffin Ed" Jones and "Grave Digger" Johnson. In Info Island (click here to
The life of the fictional rock star 'Pink' is the subject
of the visually evocative cult film based upon the music and visions of the
group Pink Floyd as portrayed in the album of the same title. Relationships,
drug abuse, sex, childhood, WWII and fascism combine in a disturbing mix of
episodic live action and lyrical animation drawn by British caricaturist Gerald
Scarfe. In Amity Island (click here to
The Wild Card!
Looking for fun and adventure? The Wild Card!
highlights just the day, time and a SLurl for an event. The Wild Card!
may be anything, but I’ll try to pick something that promises to fun, lively,
or intersting.
Friday, August 22 at 7 PM (click here to teleport)
Join Lanna’s group
on to stay up to date on what's happening in SL-- info on
submitting event notices below.
Every Thursday morning, NWN highlights events for the upcoming weekend into next Wednesday. If you'd like an event to be considered, send the description and event link to Charlanna Beresford via IM or e-mail her at [email protected]. You can also contact Lanna through her Facebook profile, where she's listed as "Charlanna Beresford".
Main guidelines:
1 - Events for the coming week must be received by
Tuesday Noon SLT.
2 - Include all the relevant info-- day, time, and especially the SLURL to the event location.
3 - Please send related graphics such as screenshots or photo of the event site, if available.
4 - Events with artistic, cultural, scientific, political, creative, and/or educational value preferred.
5 - Events sponsored or promoted by real world corporations are welcome, as long they serve and entertain the Second Life community, and/or foster Resident-made content (live music, builds, scripting, fashion, games, etc.) Events that merely promote the company or organization's Second Life presence are not generally appropriate; you may instead consider advertising your event or service on New World Notes.
6 - Mature-rated events are permissible, but listing descriptions should be PG-13. Political and religious events are encouraged, though those of an extreme or non-inclusive variety are rarely included.
7 - Bonus consideration given to game-related or machinima events, and for events with "I've never seen that in SL before" value.