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AP News - Virginia's Warner tapped for Democrats' key speech
For the Democratic Party, it's the speaking slot that's often a springboard for national prominence. At 2004's Democratic National Convention, the keynote transformed an obscure Chicago politician from Hawaii named Barack Obama into a serious contender for President; this year, that keynote address will be delivered by former Virgina Governor Mark Warner. Though Governor Warner's name recognition is still relatively small on a national level, longtime Second Life Residents will remember his avatar. In 2006, when he was seriously considering a 2008 Presidential run, Governor Warner logged into SL and delivered an hour-long address to an avatar audience that included a supermodel, a wizard, and a series of tubes. (I conducted the interview-- here's an illustrated transcript of the event.) While it's unlikely Governor Warner will use the opportunity to speak about policy issues of particular concern to SL users-- regulation of digitally-based IP rights, taxation of virtual income, and so on-- the former telecom entrepeneur will almost certainly mention the Internet's broader role in transforming politics. In any case, Governor Warner's keynote will easily become the most significant national (nay, international) appearance by a public figure with a direct connection to Second Life. Hat tip: Schlink Lardner.
Slow news day much?
Posted by: Concerned | Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 10:41 AM
I was very sorry Warner dropped out of the race and wrote a letter to his offices asking him not to. I do hope he will consider another run. Perhaps he is a V.P. contender?
Posted by: LifeFactory Writer | Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 11:46 AM
Yeah, he's been touted as a somewhat likely VP candidate for Obama.
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 01:07 PM
I'm sure this will go over about as well as the Second Life Congressional committee meeting or whatever that was lampooned on The Daily Show.
So yes, please, by all means, the DNC needs to go ahead with this. I need a good laugh, and I'm sure Obama does as well.
Posted by: Two Worlds | Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 02:06 PM