Though it may seem so at first glance, this is not a recently discovered Edward Hopper painting, but an untouched photo taken directly from Second Life. (Besides the addition of Kee's signature, that is.) Taken in [Rec], the moody survival-horror region, the richly drab hues were achieved naturally, so to speak. "The lighting effect was done in WindLight," Kee Llewellyn tells me, "along with some tonal shifts of the ambient light. I added a touch of Fog. I also shot with a relatively long 'lens', jumping in a few steps using Alt+0 to do so." It's one in a series of photos the artist has taken in SL using minimal after-image processing. "I'm trying to punch the envelope of what can be done without resorting to Photoshop," she explains. "I guess this is one of the images that worked." You can see more and just as lovely on Kee's Koinup profile, where this image was first discovered. (See "Tres Seul" here in full glory.)
View the entire Tableau album here, and read on for guidelines to submitting an entry of your own.
Submitting to New World Tableau:
New World Tableau is an ongoing album featuring Residents who've turned SL screenshots into a new art form, vividly conveying emotions, stories, and entire cultures in a single image.
- If you come across a picture or image stream that deserves a place
here, please IM (Hamlet Au) or e-mail ([email protected]) me the
link. Please e-mail me the image as a file link, or attached as an .jpeg or .gif, as long as it's under a meg in size.
- Submission tip: I regularly check the SL screenshot stream of New World Notes partner Koinup, an MMO social network-- consider creating an account there.
- Submitting as an in-world texture not recommended, as they often come out distorted and not high res.
- Feel free to describe what the image says to you, or if you're the creator, what inspired you to make it.
- Whenever possible, name the Residents pictured, and include a SLURL to the location (when appropriate.)
Moderately Photoshopped images are OK, just mention if this is the
case, and what effects were added. (On rare occasions when the
post-production adds a special element, heavily Photoshopped images are
also appropriate.)
- If you submit an image to NWT, it's assumed I
have permission to run it, either as the owner, or because it's been
appropriately CC licensed. The original creator retains all their
rights to it, in any case.
Secondlife is such a fantastic canvas.
Now how do we get the "art community" to recognize this category of art?
And one of Secondlife's major artistic capabilities is motion. Can't capture that in a single frame. That is going to be hard to translate. Youtube is just too fuzzy visually and the audio tracks are knocked way down to a nearly inaudible level now.
Posted by: Ann Otoole | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 07:02 PM
Sublimely beautiful work, very impressive use of WindLight's capabilities. I love the long-lens effect too, it's perfect for this scene.
Yet another great choice for the 'Tableau', it's a terrific collection.
Posted by: Simondo Nebestanka | Sunday, August 31, 2008 at 08:28 PM
Thanks, I love showing them off!
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Monday, September 01, 2008 at 12:18 AM