This Wednesday at Noon SLT, Orange Island is hosting its second Photo Session, a series of free classes teaching the art of creating beautiful screenshots in Second Life; tomorrow will feature Kee Llewelyn of The Photo Institute, teaching the use of WindLight's many settings and subtleties in your images. The Sessions are co-sponsored by NWN partner Koinup, the MMO social network, more details on the event available on the Koinup blog; direct SLURL teleport to the Session at this link.
The image at the right, by the way, is Kee's "End of the World", created, of course, in WindLight. See more of her luminous work in her Koinup portfolio.
Sigh. Would that I could attend. Is anyone making transcripts or videos of these classes?
Posted by: Melissa Yeuxdoux | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 09:11 AM