Now here's an image that makes me smile: Bettina Tizzy at Stubb's, Twittering a post-talk after-action report over a plate of ribs and several Lone Star beers. You can help make that possible, because Ms. Tizzy, metaverse art maven supreme and founder of the Not Possible In Real Life group and website, has submitted a panel topic for the Interactive arm of South by Southwest 2009 next March in Austin, Texas. It is, of course, perfectly aligned with the stellar reputation she's developed to speak on the subject:
Does the Future of Art and Architecture Reside in Virtual Worlds?
SXSW panels are selected in large part via democratic process, so if you click the above link, create an SXSW account, and vote for her panel, it'll help boost Bettina's chances to get selected. I'm a five year veteran of SXSW and fully plan on being there too. If it's selected, I think it'll be another first: a SXSW panel whose host is listed by her avatar name.
Got my vote along with Reuben Steiger and a couple of others...I copy what I said on the proposal...
She has single handedly brought sublime art and it's culture to center stage in Second Life. But as well as talking about the aesthetics of new generation metaversal art she should also talk about how she has managed, via NPIRL, to be a focus and activator for the many thousands who look beyond the business, gaming or lifestyle aspects to evolving Social Virtual Worlds. Big cheers for Bettina!
Posted by: Gary Hayes | Monday, August 25, 2008 at 05:06 PM
Thanks for posting this. Just voted for Bettina.
Posted by: maxieM | Monday, August 25, 2008 at 05:36 PM
If you don't know what Bettina Tizzy does, watch her on This weeks Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe! she was a fantastic guest! and certainly looked the part on camera!
Posted by: Paisley Beebe | Monday, August 25, 2008 at 06:09 PM
Lone Star Beers?
Ironclad stomachs earn respect.
Posted by: Ann Otoole | Monday, August 25, 2008 at 06:41 PM
What the devil is this platrium garbage being thrust upon me in the google stupidsense on the right side of this screen? Are millennium generation people really that utterly stupid to fall for that and thus some kids get millions of VC capital for a boneheaded idea that will probably work?
I knew it! Wrong business choice! I need to get into the deluding VC angel dorks biz!
Posted by: Ann Otoole | Monday, August 25, 2008 at 06:47 PM
Huh, what you seeing, Ann?
I like Lone Stars when I'm in Austin, though I think you need to have them with Texas BBQ to drink well.
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Monday, August 25, 2008 at 08:21 PM
Ah it was this annoying imvu/zwinky style ad on the right side for something called platrium that was persistent. I thought maybe it was a new virtual world. Instead it was spamware that logs your keystrokes for selling to google or some such thing. They have a dissertation on how they tell customers up front what they are doing so it smells of a rather obvious scam.
Imagine what would happen if the Lab took out a google ad sense campaign to stick a sexy avatar on every IMVU, Zwinky, Habbo, WoW, etc related website. You think the concurrency problems of the other day were bad? rofl. The barbarians would be breaking down the gate.
Anyway I hope Bettina makes it.
Posted by: Ann Otoole | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 07:59 AM
Hamlet! I'll see your Stubb's ribs and Lone Stars and raise you one Guero's (for the BEST tacos al pastor this side of the Rio Grande) and a couple of Shiner Bocks.
Thanks a BUNCH to all who took the time to vote and write in. There are many good panels to choose from and I wish all of you could experience SXSW. I am willing to go on record and say that it is the most verticle fun anyone could possibly have in non-pixelated form.
Posted by: Bettina Tizzy | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 03:13 PM