In her latest survey, CeNedra Rivera asks readers how old their avatars are, in relation to their real life selves. Strolling through the world of Second Life, you'd think it was almost entirely inhabited by overripe twenty-somethings, even though we know the SL user median age is 32, and according to the latest data, nearly half the population is 35 and over.
According to Ms. Rivera's poll, however, close to half the population describe their avatar as "more or less the same age", while just 17% admit to having an avatar that "appears much younger than me". Her survey is based on a small response sample, just 78 Residents, though I think it's roughly accurate, based on the way her answers are phrased.
In real life, it's fair to say most people like to see themselves as appearing younger than they actually are. Culturally, a fixation on youth culture means people even into their late 30s and early 40s are often prone to take on youthful fashions and hairstyles. What we're seeing in CenNedra's poll, I believe, is externalization of a self-reporting fudge factor, ranging from 3-5 or even 6-10 years.
As for me? I'd say "Hamlet Au" is, oh, 32. Yeah, that sounds right. Or overly optimistic.
I've actually sought to make my avatar look like he's about in his early 30's (I am 29). I think I look younger than my avatar currently does. I also dress him in clothes I would wear(and do wear) in RL, although he's usually dressed a lot nicer and grown up day to day than I usually do in RL.
Posted by: Gahum Riptide | Friday, September 26, 2008 at 12:01 PM
The results of this poll surprised me as well.
Either my readers are younger than the average SL resident, or there is something else going on.
Perhaps we do fudge our real ages a bit, or perhaps there is some denial about what age our avatars are portraying.
I do hope to have a bigger sample for this weeks poll topic.
Posted by: CeNedra Rivera | Friday, September 26, 2008 at 01:59 PM
LOL..while the small sample size of the survey can explain "Dammed Lies and Statistics"..just look at the "average" age reported in Lindens own numbers and the "apparent" age of AV's.
I know a fair few people in SL, and their 1st life ages, I must say that the disconnect between both ages is probably 10 years...and up. Not that there's anything wrong with that :)
Posted by: Connie Sec | Friday, September 26, 2008 at 08:23 PM
I am 38 in real life, and it says that in my SL profile so my avatar is intended to be exactly my age. So far, I'm doing ok. I have been unsparing with the detail. My lips are thinner than they were when I was younger, and my cheeks are a little more hollow. My avatar has these characteristics.
I don't have any noticeable lines in my face, as of yet, because my face is so angular and there is so little skin to wrinkle (thanks to my Norwegian mom!)and I have not yet grayed. When these changes happen, though, I will embark on a quest to find a skin with lines in it and hair with streaks of white. Can someone offer a list of designers who make these items?
I strongly suspect that much of the disparity between people's real life ages and the apparent ages of their avatars has to do with the near complete lack of means to create an avatar that doesn't look like a twenty-year-old.
It is just damn tricky to do, and you have to invest a lot of time, energy, and money to do it. I would love to see some designers step forward to make it easier.
Posted by: Doreen Garrigus | Friday, September 26, 2008 at 09:55 PM
It never even occurred to me to apply an age to my avatar's appearance. Were somebody to ask me how old my avatar is, my response would be "Um . . . two."
Posted by: CyFishy Traveler | Saturday, September 27, 2008 at 02:26 PM
I wanted my avatar to match my age, mainly to deter kids and perves. But it's not easy to show gradual aging of skin. I'm mid 30s, I think my avatar looks mid 20s. I try to use clothing, hair and makeup to reflect my age (and me). Skin is what looks younger. I'm not that wrinkly, but not that peachy perfect either :-)
Posted by: Bumble Parx | Monday, September 29, 2008 at 12:02 PM
I'm in my early 50s and I'd be glad for my avatar to match my looks if I knew how to do it. It's mainly things like wrinkles and sags here and there that I haven't duplicated. Come to think of it, I don't know how to duplicate the thinning spot in my hair either.
To go a little farther with this, I'd like to have two or three avatars: one who resembles me, one fanciful artistic creation (I've got the idea but haven't gotten anyone to design it for me yet), and maybe one more to represent my notion of myself about 20 years ago.
Posted by: John Branch | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 01:03 PM