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Monday, September 08, 2008


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LifeFactory Writer

Hey, All! I am guessing you had a wonderful time at the SLCC. What a great and diverse group of people and such an "oddly" enjoyable environment!

There were so many really amazing people present: Meeting Tuna and Shava was a HUGE thrill (it was virtually impossible to not want to hug them!) and Beyers Sellers and Bevan Whitfield of the Metanomics show were very much appreciated for their gung-ho assurance that the fire kept on burning throughout the entire event! (Beyers is SO charming!) I was particularly honored to meet Nonny Writer and Illbixby Cerveau along with the rest of the Ill-Clan crew--there is actually a very impressive woman in that mix too! I had assumed the Clan was an all-guys shop! And, well, I guess everyone already knows that Draxtor is just a really really cool guy Speaking of impressive power couples--Eureka Dejavu and Schmillson Nielson of Dancing Ink Productions are nothing to sneeze at! Oh gosh...I could go on and on listing people I am so delighted to have met! Corghan Mayo (whose name I surely have misspelled) from Non-Profit Commons and Phelan Cormel from Rockcliff....

I am sorry I missed shaking hands with you, Hamlet...I should have found my way into your orbit in LA! I think I missed you at the Wilshire bar by about 15 seconds.

Oh...and even though I probably should not admit to this...Woodbury's Griefer Appreciation Parties were really among some of the best :D Maybe there are things I really still do not know or understand...

I hope everyone had a great time at both conferences--I did! Thanks for reporting, Rik!

PS-- did you guys catch that rather radical bit about the meerkat viewer...?

_ Life

Damien Fate

Excellent to see some coverage here :)

LifeFactory, the "impressive woman" you speak of is Kerria Seabrooke, one of the fantastic ILLclan members I get to work with very often.

Her and Paul Jannicola are an amazing machinamist duo who pay attention to every single detail to give each shot a polished feel!

I've been very lucky to work with the entire ILLclan crew, including Tom Donnelly on a lot of their machinima projects - watch this space :)

LifeFactory Writer

Hello Damien!

Yes, Kerria and Paul were also on the machinima panel although, unfortunately, not pictured. I was not sure of Kerria's SL name, and did not know if I should list a real one here. What impressive folks--the pioneers of this medium! Such a pleasure it is to have met them. Great for you to be working with them consistently! I will surely keep an eye open for more of the upcoming works.

LifeFactory Writer

Hello Damien!

Yes, Kerria and Paul were also on the machinima panel although, unfortunately, not pictured. I was not sure of Kerria's SL name, and did not know if I should list a real one here. What impressive folks--the pioneers of this medium! Such a pleasure it is to have met them. Great for you to be working with them consistently! I will surely keep an eye open for more of the upcoming works.

Illbixby Cerveau

And great meeting you as well Life, your energy is infectious (and your gams are amazing).

And though in the past I've been the head of the ILL Clan, we're all an equal team at the helm of ILL Clan Animation Studios now. Works so much better that way.

Thanks for the write up Rik, and thanks Star and Drax for putting the machinima panel together.

Kerria's SL name is Skyla Volitant. If she's in world and not shooting machinima, she's buying clothes, lots of clothes.

LifeFactory Writer

"And great meeting you as well Life, your energy is infectious (and your gams are amazing). "

...tee-hee...he likes my legs :D

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