PostSecret is a great blog with a powerfully simple premise: readers write their most personal secrets on an evocatively illustrated postcard, then send them anonymously to the blog's proprietor, Frank Warren, who publishes a select few every weekend. SLsecret is a metaverse-based spin on that premise, posted regularly on the group blog Shopping Cart Disco by contributor Iris Seale, who has a keen editor's eye. Like the original, the secrets revealed are sad, bitter, ironic, disturbing, erotic, profound, silly, passionate, overwrought, and sometimes, all these things at once. The mystery of avatar identities and in-world drama adds several layers of meaning to stories coveyed in a few words and a single screenshot. Absolutely go here to see them all. Hat tip: Morris Vig at Second Arts.
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"the secrets revealed are sad, bitter, ironic, disturbing, erotic, profound, silly, passionate, overwrought, and sometimes, all these things at once."
You forgot to mention fake, to the tune of "I am actually a super model earning 1000 USD per hour in RL but I organize charity drives in SL earning a meagre day's wage that I _steal_ (yarrrhahaha I am the prime evil!) so that I could impress my bestfriend's SL boyfriend."
Yeah right.
Posted by: Solange | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 11:26 PM
I dunno, Solange, I've seen enough to know that might be true.
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 at 12:05 AM