Before Mr. Prad Prathivi created the Second Life-specific keyboard that's the talk of the SL blogosophere, he offered this helpful guide on his blog, Metaversally Speaking. Sample:
#3: The Overdone Blonde.
Typical Comment: Hey big boy… wanna come over here and have some fun? ;-)
Who are they? They have platinum blonde hair, slutty clothing and breasts which cover six postal codes.
What bugs us about them? We know you’re a guy. Give it up.
Generally good advice, though in my opinion it does a possible disservice to at least some SL phylum. After all, when they're not overwhelming you with jargon, "The Script Geek" is working miracles, "The Rude Shopkeeper" is sometimes annoyed for legtimate reasons, and "The Bot" can sometimes be a charming conversationalist. More key, what other types should be on his list?
I love the word "freenis."
Posted by: Mitch Wagner | Saturday, September 27, 2008 at 01:37 PM
There is an eleventh type of avatars to avoid: the Lindens.
Posted by: Christophe Hugo | Friday, October 03, 2008 at 01:02 AM