Tomorrow at 5:46am SLT (8:45am East Coast time) is the exact instant when the first jet struck the World Trade Center seven years ago. Starting then, the names of the 2974 innocents who perished on September 11 will be read by a number of prominent Second Life Residents (fashionistas, musicians, podcasters, artists, and more) in Second Life's New York region. The readings will continue until roughly 8:50am SLT, followed by a moment of silence, and a dedication for a new FDNY Memorial Wall. Charlanna will have more details of this day-long event in Thursday's Lanna's List calendar, but because it begins tomorrow at 5:30am, I'm noting it now. Direct SLURL teleport to the New York City site at this link.
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I was honored to be asked to read one of the lists of names for the fallen, that will be read tomorrow. It was a difficult thing, and I still get a lump in my throat everytime I think about that day. I will be taking the day off work tomorrow, as a day of reflection and rememberance. And I plan of being at the WTC site for the duration of the event.
Posted by: Nika Dreamscape | Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 04:58 PM