The SL bloggers network is hosting a fun, identity swapping extravaganza for folks who blog about Second Life. Go here, post your SL name, blog URL, and e-mail address, and suggest an SL topic to write about. The Mix n' Match hosts, Vint Falken and ArminasX Saiman, will then scramble up the topics, and distribute them among the participants, challenging each to blog about a subject they don't usually cover. So, for example, SL fashionistas will write about steampunk, while the steampunks will write about mixed reality business applications, while the SL business bloggers will write about tiny jousting... in short, dog and cats living together mass hysteria. Entry deadline is end of today Sunday the 2nd of November at 1AM SLT, so click here quick to register your interest.
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Fixed the 'final deadline is end today':
The final closing of the subscriptions for the 1st SL Bloggers Mix’n Match is moved to Sunday 2nd of November 1AM SLT
Posted by: Vint Falken | Saturday, November 01, 2008 at 08:34 AM
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Saturday, November 01, 2008 at 09:54 AM