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Thursday, October 23, 2008


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nahasa singh

What about the AM Pro cars ? Long time since I saw a SL product and thought "I definitely got to get me one of these...". Let's see..

-- relatively expensive, check
-- on sale now, check
-- provably sold to several customers, dunno
-- original to SL, nah
-- unique beauty & craftsmanship, double check

Go look at them, you be the judge...

Ann Otoole

Drat! Guess I need to make something expensive!

Simondo Nebestanka

My vote goes to the most beautiful thing I've seen in SL, Light Waves' Ballerina. For sale at the Black Swan sim. Not sure how many have been sold? But it's craftsmanship is supreme.

Bellona Vella

Check out the Tornado Summoning HUD v3.0
by Tryptofaa Sands.
Has to be one of the most impressive things I've seen in Second Life. So much effort has been put into it, and what with the destructable buildings as well, it's hell of a lot of fun.

Check it out and see what you think.

dandellion Kimban

Tough question. There are so many valuable and precious things in my inventory and thousand times more on the grid.

Still, it's not only the money that counts. When I saw the question, first thing that popped to my mind was prim.docker. It's less than 1000L$ but I cannot count it's value... in saved time, nerves and inspiration.

Troy McConaghy

It's not on sale anymore, and it's not transferable, but I think one of the most precious items in SL must be Starax's wand.


My most expensive/precious item(s) are my "Python" revolvers from Breach at $1200.


Gahum Riptide

I would say that the trees that change color depending on the season at Kenroku are what I'd call precious. I bought one of the maples, and I adore it. My favorite purchase in SL so far.

Ignatius Onomatopoeia

My Dominus Shadow, without a doubt, is "my precious." The Shadow is no mere rip-off of the '67 Mustang. Instead, it takes that classic shape and adds what every Apollo-era kid wanted: a flying supercar.

It's my favorite inventory item in part because it features:

--free software updates from Francis Chung

--features that enable Shadows to be configured in a number of ways. I keep mine as a drop-dead beautiful, basic black convertible w/o a spoiler and with basic "Bullitt" rims.

--reasonable handling. I own a classic car IRL and have driven many others. The Shadow "feels" right, at least in low gears and when it's not flying ;D

--a range of performance options. It goes very fast when I race it. As I become a better SL driver, I think the car will be very competitive for a "stock" vehicle. So many other SL vehicles are over-powered for a track.

Balthasar Bookmite

How about Scarlet Creative homes. They are super high quality. The texture work is top-notch. They are really expensive, 4000L$ for the base model and I think they go up to 15,000L$, possibly more. I know that Charlotte has worked with the Costa Rica Sims and created a line of houses that work with the estate and I think that she has partnerships with other sims aswell with her regular line of houses. I know however each house has a limited time frame in which is it sold, but the quality is the same.


vint falken

Would vote for Light Wave's Greenies Cat. =)

Valentina Kendal

The most expensive pure luxury item I have bought in a long time, because I saw one and just HAD to have it, is a steampunk style flying submarine by Carrah Rossini (The Nereide Flying Submarine). The workmanship and textures in this ship are phenomenal. It would be worth it just on looks, but it flies, has functional radar, security, compass, altimeter, TV and radio, as well as a fully functional bed. I am not affiliated with Carrah, just a satisfied customer - pictures available here:


My most precious object is my adult faerie dragon avatar from the Isle of Wyrms.

There are few things as impressive as a full adult dragon avatar.

IOW dragons are the best dragons in SL and it's not just the quality of the "prim work", but also the quality of the scripting and the accessories like the saddle which allows another avatar to ride the dragon, which are far better (smoother and more efficient) than any other in SL (and I do own several other dragons from other creators as well).

IOW adult dragons are expensive at around $3000L for the first adult dragon and only a limited number are released at each equinox. However you get more than just an avatar - you also become part of a whole community.

IOW dragons meet all of the criteria you have set down for being precious and in addition they are loved by those who have them and envied by many who do not. Surely that is a good definiton of what "precious" means?

IOW dragons can be seen in the Cathedral on the sim "Cathedral" (which is one of the sims that jointly make up the "Isles of Wyrms".


The most unique, creative, finely crafted item in my inventory is two sets of armor by Kelly Nordberg. When I wear them I feel like a Valkyrie, invincible, I can slay dragons, win fair maidens, and amaze those around me with the armor's details and textures. There are two pictures here.

Yak Wise

The beautifull Artificial Intelligent VKC dogs made by Enrico Genosse.

Eleanor Balbozar

My most precious item(s) are my ears and tail, lol. Ok, over 1000L? That would be my waterfall from Bliss Gardens, it is so beautiful and makes my land my home :)) I think I paid around 3k for it. Worth every L...

Yak Wise

On the other hand... how could I be without my underpants by swaffette Firefly... the only mens underpants that suggest there's something in it...

Morris Vig

Starax's wand. Period.


Last year Tracylynn Carpenter was selling absolutely gorgeous yachts for $L30k and up to $L50k for some IIRC. But she appears to have moved into cannons.

Hamlet Au

Starax's wand would be a great suggestion, but far as I know, it's no longer being sold; note the "on sale *now* to the public" clause.

Winter Jefferson

The flaming Night Mare at AKK Ranch. It's 5000l and I yearn for it. There are mundane horses at 2k each, but... come on. Demon horse FTW.

Eveline Nixdorf

Doesn't meet the cost criterion at all, but the sweetest item I own is a small toucan from animania, who sits on my shoulder and looks about, and who I like to imagine whispers nasty gossipy toucanly comments in my ear.


The Angel (25,000 to 40,000L) at Black Swan is a top piece at a high price--adored by many and ripped-off by many also (we tracked down most of those!). Check the Collectors' Gallery for other most precious items like Ballerina, Fetus, Lover's Rock and of course the Noob (99L). http://rezzable.com/virtual-worlds#virtualart

Hant Boucher

I think this meets all, the houses from Scarlet Creative. I have had mine for a few months. You get cycled upgrades (they don't charge) and it has the most amazing textures.

Not sure how they do it but their houses are so light and actually give me a nice touchy feel.

Def for me the most precious item in SL.

nahasa singh

Update to my previous comment...

I'd like to point your attention to the cool jet for sale at Alanya/205/129/37 ... stunning.

thaumata strangelove

Oh, I have some favorites.

Robbie Dingo makes a barbershop quintet that is comprised of six music stands, one for each singer and one for the conductor. As your avatar hops onto the stand, they start singing their part of the song. It's honestly one of the sweetest, funniest, well-thought out presents ever. Well worth the money. (Can't remember the price but I'm pretty sure t'was a grand or so.)

Sue Stonebender makes a very lovely gramophone in several styles that plays short clips of scratchy old records that just makes your brain zip straight to the war era. Like everything she does, they are well made and textured, and they sure work nicely.

If you're going up to prefabs, you have to mention Corey Edo's rainforest house, which is gorgeously textured and comes with a rainstorm in the middle of the living room.

Alex Bader's steampunk castle is pretty rad, too, with hidden stairs and a well-laid design. I've only recently discovered him and everything he does is impeccable workmanship.

Sakuya Lane makes teacups and matching dishes that are expensive for what they are but delectably textured with many options. They're qorthy of a queen.

Ludvaig Lindman makes a weather system that's about L$6k or something that can sync itself to accuweather.com and mimic RL weather conditions from any city on your SL land. (Totally geeky, but fun.) It also lets you place alpha prims on the ground that will slowly turn to beautiful white snow whenever the weather gets bad and cold, or you can cover your lakes and they will freeze. It's quite clever.

Marika Dagostino makes plants that must be watered in order to grow at her store called Plant Pets.

AM Radio has a L$700 plane that is as exquisite as one might expect from him (and proceeds go to Heifer International.)

Is that enough? haha... but I did want to also chime in that Carah's airship is the most divine thing I've ever seen in SL. I think she should teach classes to explain the way prims and textures work, because she has NAILED it. But I see you've written about that since, so you already know.

Go get that barbershop set. You will laugh.

Chenin Anabuki

Although I am a bit biased, I have to say that Avatrian's Illuminati Overlord has got to be on that list. "Precious" is such a subjective term. But, that very word has been used by residents who bought this custom, purely for SL, meticulously designed armour set. It is the most sought after gear in our Medieval Corridor collection.

Three Avatrians simultaneously worked for a period of 2 weeks to finalize the Illumanti design (Rodion Resistance, Fabskee Heartsdale, and Bonji Barbosa). Images and more description of the Illuminati Overlord is available at:

XStreet SL

and OnRez



JCNY Collection has a Collector's Edition VAULT in the Flagship store. The VAULT contains two current collections. The GENESIS and the NOVA. Each collection will only be on sale in quantities of 1 - 30. After they sell they will be gone forever. The price for these jewelry sets is 30,000L. The designs are 100% original artworks by JD Hansen. - They do sell to the serious JCNY Collectors. As soon as they get the newest one, they are already asking when the next release is!


without a doubt, the trees of brue noel, kenroku. L$800-L$4000

Holly Princess

I haven't read all the comments, but I have two nominations.

My first is my Muscat House from Scarlet Creative. It's expensive but the support and customer service blew me away. I got with it a custom terraform file, sim terrain textures, staging props, and furniture - really paradise in a pack. And they set it all up for me when I asked and no charge. I actually find it due to a recommendation on Torley's flickr for their concept sims they also build.

I have looked at many objects in Second Life, and this was the first product I saw that truly understands emotional connection and why we buy these things!

My second recommendation is for Light Waves' Ballerina - again no idea how they made that, but it's amazing to look at and very precious :)


hi everybody
I am going to get a new car. Wish to have an up market one, but have no ideas what to choose... Can smb advise me something?

Elizabeth Tinsley

I realize I am late with this comment but I felt no list of precious items in Second Life could be complete without mentioning the miniature wearable sculpture of Random Calliope. What immediately comes to mind are his limited addition pieces that have gone for upwards of L$50000 but I know the requirements state that it be something that is currently available for purchase,and with this is mind I offer the following selection of pieces.

1. The Pearl - Necklace and Earrings Set
Priced at L$2000 it contains Random's 100% prim, no textures, no script baguette diamonds. His unsculptured, traditional prim built gems rely on nothing but the natural SL light for the magnificent brilliance they display. He has perfected his gems over the course of the almost four years he has been been building in SL and there is really nothing that compares to what he has acheived as far as the art of creating with microprims goes.

2. Tesselations - Necklace, Earrings, & Bracelet Set
Priced at L$2000 this set again makes use of Random's exquisite gem work, albeit in a totally different style then The Pearl.

3. Rarius - Gorean Collar, Cuffs and Earring Set
Priced at L$5000 this set is more then mere jewelry. It is a heirloom piece for the serious Gorean afficiando. It is a tribute to the culture depicted in John Norman's Gorean novels showing the beauty intrinsic in the this fictional world. Intricately designed to highlight the symbols of Gor, this set also enhances the female lines of the nonGorean wearer. Combining intensive research, incredible craftsmanship, and inspiring, artistic design this piece, like ever piece Random has ever done, expresses his experiences in SL in a way that transcends the mundane and allows one the opportunity to own a true work of art.

All of these pieces are available at Random's WorthWhile Gallery at the bottom of the cliffs in Ode.

Angel Love

Scarlet creative are indeed made with high quality workman ship and are stunning. At one point my scarlet house would have been my most precious item. But they're prim heavy and I paid about 20k for mine and it aint mod, they're locked up like fort knocks. So I made my own house, which would now be my most precious item

Vitolo Rossini

The most precious items in SL are for sure ,The VKC Dogs at Canis Beach. They retain their value, and are responsible for improving more lives than any other pet OR object in world. They are true artificial intelligence. Come see them at Canis Beach (and other pets too!), and you will see what I am talking about.

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