<p>Koinup: Your <a href="http://www.koinup.com/">Virtual Life</a></p>
Pierluigi at NWN partner Koinup just sent me an excited e-mail, telling me about a region with the odd name of Creamshop. "The amazing Liqueur Felix discovered this amazing sim some days ago," he writes. "It seems that this place is getting the attention of SL photographers and maybe it will become a new Insilico or the new trendy urban environment." Judging by the Koinup photostream, depicting a nostalgic, rain swept city lit up by blazing streetlamps, I'd have to agree. More pics and SLURL at this link.
Great build & great talent and OH yes this build is a 3750 prim open space sim.
Why should she be restricted to 20 users and script limits any more then any user of 1/4 of a regular commercial sim or mainland parcel?
Posted by: JeanRicard Broek | Thursday, November 06, 2008 at 05:19 PM
I don't mean to be ridiculous, but on your recommendation, I visited the Cream Shop. There, I bought a ton of bubble skirts and leggings, to complete my "Jenn in Real Life" ensemble. Terrible!
Posted by: jennatar | Thursday, November 06, 2008 at 11:26 PM
Nice example of abused Openspace region. I mean, it's really nice. That's a well-done and well designed region. I had fun while visiting it, and it must be cool to shop there. But clearly it's not what Linden Lab made Openspaces for. Oh, this just my opinion.
> Why should she be restricted to 20 users and
> script limits any more then any user of 1/4
> of a regular commercial sim or mainland parcel?
If I share a server with three other people that may as much as I do, I'd expect each one of us to use 1/4 of server resources.
Openspace regions don't let you even know who is abusing resources. You can get terrible performances and you can't do anything about it.
At least on private regions, owners can usually identify the most resources-hungry users. And mainland...well, is Mainland a good example?
Posted by: Opensource Obscure | Friday, November 07, 2008 at 07:32 AM