Azdel Slade and Lanna in the SL version of the RL performance lab
Charlanna Beresford’s weekly round-up of upcoming SL events…
Becoming Dragon is a mixed reality, durational performance taking place both in Second Life and at University of California San Diego. Beginning at 7 PM on Monday, December 1, Azdel Slade (Micha Cárdenas in RL) begins a continuous performance for 365 hours (over 15 days!) that will use adaptive technology so that all she will see is Second Life and a motion capture system will map her movements into Second Life.
Becoming Dragon questions the one year requirement of Real Life Experience that transgender people must fulfill in order to receive Gender Confirmation Surgery (Sexual Reassignment Surgery), and asks if this could be replaced by one year of Second Life Experience to lead to Species Reassignment Surgery. The project seeks to explore the shift from subjectivity to becoming, to examine the subject in transition, as opposed to a clearly defined identity. The choice of a dragon for an avatar is related to the history of dragons as magical creatures, able to shapeshift into different forms and teleport through space, well suited to Second Life. Dragons are also part of the large community of non-anthropomorphic avatars in Second Life, which are not easily limited to either male or female binary gender categories.
The performance is Azdel's final MFA project and she will stay in the performance space at UCSD and in Second Life during the entire duration of the performance. The RL performance space at UCSD will be open to the public for the duration, during the hours that the building is open, 9am to 7pm. There are also a number of special events that occur throughout Becoming Dragon; a full schedule of these events is available here on Azdel's blog. In Seventh Eye (click here to teleport).
Also this week: SL Live Radio First Birthday, Reflexive Architecture, and more...
(All times in SLT, "Second Life Time" - i.e., Pacific Standard)
Thursday, November 27
11 AM - Alice's Restaurant Massacree
One of the more interesting recurrences with Thanksgiving in the United States is the Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant.
Master storyteller Shandon Loring will do a live voice presentation of
this tale. Reading will take about 18 minutes.. but stick around
after and listen to BOTH the original Alice's Restaurant Massacree AND
Alice's Restaurant 30 Years Later. All attendees will also receive a
free picture of the actual church from the song. All proceeds from this
event will benefit Project
Children. In West of Ireland (click here to teleport).
3 PM - Miriam Makeba Memorial
Miriam Makeba
was a singer and civil rights activist. Come celebrate the life of this
remarkable woman through photographs and music. In Robben Island (click here to teleport).
6 PM - The Mayflower in New England for Thanksgiving!
aboard the Mayflower in SL New England! An authentic, to scale
reproduction of the RL Mayflower, as designed by Mayflower descendant
and Thanksgiving expert, Lora Chadbourne, is floating in the bay off
the Nantucket Theatre. Explore the vessel and learn historic facts you
never knew! Relax and enjoy a juicy turkey leg before or after your
tour and wear a
free Pilgrim hat or Native American moccasins. In Nantucket (click here to teleport).
* * *
Friday, November 28
1 AM - TUi Edumart sponsors Black Friday Show
Readers from the United States will be familiar with the rush that so
many make to go shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving that
retailers have taken to calling this "Black Friday." Here's your
chance to get in on a little SL-style Black Friday action! TUi Edumart
& Fairy Unique Designs
are sponsoring a Black Friday Show & Sale this weekend, all weekend
long. The talented students & teachers of TUi Edumart show off
creations and offer them for sale to you at discounted prices. In
Fairy Unique (click here to teleport).
10 AM - NCI Class: Clothing - Flexi Skirts
Learn how to create your own flexi-prim skirt! This class will teach you how to design a flexible prim skirt panel,
use the LoopRez v0.6-long skirt script (provided with class supplies)
to generate a full skirt from your panel, size and position your skirt. Class materials include take-home handouts which explain
advanced clothing texturing tips & tricks. The instruction and
materials supplied in this class will teach you how to make your own
elegant SL evening gown! You must be adept in the basics of working with prims to take this class. In Fisherman's Cove (click here to teleport).
6 PM - SLSBA Skyracing Open
This is an event of the Second Life Simboard Skyracing Open. Simboarding is a mix of sports and described as being on the "edge between skateboarding, surfing, skydiving, snowboarding and hoverboarding.
All boarders and fans welcome. Simboards and accessories on location. In Dream Horizon (click here to teleport).
Image by WendyofNeverland Fussbudget
8 PM - Bosco Constantine at the Lily Pad
Bosco Constantine is an established RL performer making his way into
the SL world. As an accomplished artist with over 12 years RL touring
experience, he will provide original music and a non-stop performance
that has been compared to a powerful religious experience for the
musically in-tune! In Clyde (click here to teleport).
Saturday, November 29
7 AM - SL Live Radio 200th and 1st Birthday Party
SL Live Radio is celebrating the signing of their 200th artist and one-year anniversary with a party of continuous live music from 7 AM until 2 PM. Over 20of SL's favorite musicians will be performing at the SL Live Radio Studio. Come down for the fun, or if you want to party on your own sim, just tune in to Dublin Special Event Radio: In Dublin (click here to teleport).
9 AM - JSP Artist and Fashion Expo 2008
Just Soul Promotions is proud to celebrate the open of JSP Island with its very first Artist and Fashion Expo. This is the first of six week-end celebrations based on fashion and fun; this event will present a unique mix of live music events and fashion designers showcase. This one-of-a-kind concept will bring live music lovers and fashion afficionados altogether to enjoy the "hypest music and most dashing designs SL has to offer." During the 6 week celebration, JSP Island will be hosting these events every Saturday at 12 PM and 7 PM. In JSP Island (click here to teleport).
12 PM - Late Fall AU V 08 Fashion Premiere
AU V is one of the
designers currently in residence in Shenlei Flasheart's Shengri La
Vintage Marketplace which highlights up-and-coming designers in SL. This beautiful show highlights 12 new pieces as well as skins Sponsored by AOHARU. Hosted by The Fashion Research Institute, Inc. In Shengri La Hope (click here to teleport).
7 PM - Storytelling at the Yak
Tired of hopping from live music event to live music event, poseball to
poseball? As tired of it as leftover turkey and stuffing? Why not settle down for some good old fashioned tall tales and
storytelling at the Lonely Yak with Crap Mariner, author of the 100 Word Stories Podcast. Other authors who appear on the podcast's Weekly Challenge are being invited to present their own similarly-brief tales. In Blakslee World (click here to teleport).
Sunday, November 30
11 AM - Tuna Oddfellow's Odd Ball
The Odd Ball is one of the more remarkable events in Second Life with master magician Tuna Oddfellow and his beautiful assistant Shava Suntzu. Put on your wildest avatars and your craziest costumes and send reality on a holiday at this ever evolving event. If you have never been to the Odd Ball, words won’t truly describe it. IM Tuna Oddfellow or Shava Suntzu for a TP In Research Center (click here to teleport).
12 PM - Book Discussion: Books as Gifts
The holiday season is rapidly approaching, and all book lovers have received at least one book as a gift. And surely given one as well. Share your experiences, good and bad. And perhaps get an idea of a gift to by for others - or yourself. In Awen (click here to teleport).
2 PM - Exhibit Opening: More Than Words
LX Gallery is showing the SL photographs of the talented Mamaz Felwitch. In Portucalis (click here to teleport).
3 PM - Ayden Kruh at LMart
Ayden Kruh is a musician and a mystic at heart. He approaches life with an open mind, firmly rooted in his identity. As a singer/songwriter, he combines new folk/Americana influences with neo-soul vocal melodies to share his take on life, love, faith, pain, and more. In LMart (click here to teleport).
Monday, December 1
8AM - UN Conference on Climate Change
The 2008 United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held December 1-12, 2008 in Poznań, Poland as well as in Second Life. The Ministry of the Environment in Poland announces a parallel project in Second Life, to improve awareness and exchange ideas with a sophisticated global audience. A series of meetings and presentations are planned for each day of the conference from approximately 8 AM - 11AM in Second Life, throughout the conference. Each program component is expected to be approximately 60-75 minutes in length, including presentation and discussion. For more information, contact Skagen Vita (SLT +10) or Widget Whiteberry (SLT) in-world. In Ministry of Media (click here to teleport).
10:30 AM - A Study in Reflexive Architecture
2nd Live has commissioned Keystone Bouchard to create a study in Reflexive Architecture in SL. This dynamic event event has multiple facets and hopes use SL's environment to show the potential of architecture to transcend the limitations of static buildings and become as fluid and dynamic as the communities of people it hopes to serve. Residents are invited to visit the build throughout the construction process from now until the launch. There will be a beginner's workshop on Reflexive Archictecture at 10:30 AM with limited space; please email Stephen Hodge at if you would like to participate. The formal launch of the build will take place at 12 PM. In 2nd Live (click here to teleport).
2 PM- What is(n’t) Digital Humanities?: Mellon seminar in Digital Humanities at UCLA
The seminar will investigate What is(n’t) Digital Humanities? as part of Digital Humanities studies at UCLA.
Through dialogues with expert guest interlocutors and practitioners
from various fields, seminar participants will examine, historicize,
and critique the emergent field of "digital humanities." Bringing
together insights from media, game, literary and cultural studies, we
will attempt to take stock of humanistic inquiry at the start of the
21st century. Co-organized by Jeffrey Schnapp (Stanford University,
Humanities Laboratory, and Mellon Visiting Professor of Digital
Humanities, UCLA) and Todd Presner (Germanic Languages and Comparative
Literature, UCLA). The monthly mixed reality seminars are open to
graduate students,
faculty, and the general public in RL and Entropia in Second Life. In
Entropia (click here to teleport).
Tuesday, December 2
2 AM - The Second Death of Caspar Helendale
What happens to all the unwanted avatars? When we no longer
want these Second Lives, do they just revert to inert data held on a
server? Building on the notion of virtual graveyards
and online remembrance, artists Jessica Curry and Dan Pinchbeck invite
residents and guests on a quest to draw attention to abandoned
identities, joining Caspar Helendale on his last days of existence in
Second Life. They are building a monument to these lost
avatars, where you will be able to join them for a virtual vigil. This
will include a specially composed requiem for the departed; and a Book
of the Dead, containing the names of the lost and their reasons for
leaving their second lives. At the end of the performance, Caspar will
join the ranks of abandoned avatars and relinquish his second life. This event repeats at 6 AM and 11 AM. The monument will remain in place after Caspar's death on December 2 so visitors can
hear the requiem, read the Book and reflect on the nature of mortality
in virtual worlds. In 2nd Live (click here to teleport).
Wednesday, December 3
4 PM - Class at the Epoch Institute: Where Are We Going with Virtual Reality?-- and Who Will We Be When We Get There?
Epoch Institute is pleased to present a valuble opportunity to explore the remarkable capabilities in the emerging world of Virtual Reality. Imper Fegte and Covey Homewood, both college professors in RL will examine the manner in which this technology can expand our reach and also affect us, both professionally and personally. This is part of an ongoing fourteen-week course but Residents "are welcome to join us as you are available." In Wells (click here to teleport).
6 PM - Hot Topics: Etiquette - Emily Post for Avatars
As part of its Hot Topics discussion series, Info Island hosts
discussions on topics of interest and relevance to your Second Life or
real life. This month’s topic covers the etiquette in our digital lives. In Info Island (click here to teleport).
The Wild Card!
Looking for fun and adventure? The Wild Card! highlights just the day, time and a SLurl for an event. The Wild Card! may be anything, but I’ll try to pick something that promises to fun, lively, or interesting.
Wednesday, December 3 at 9 PM (click here to teleport).
This week's list was co-written by Moggs Oceanlane.
Submitting events for coverage in New World Notes
Every Thursday, NWN highlights events for the upcoming weekend into next Wednesday. Please see the guidelines below for details on submitting events.
- Events for the coming week must be received by Tuesday Noon SLT.
- Include all the relevant info &em; day, time, and especially the SLURL to the event location.
- Please send related graphics such as screenshots or photo of the event site, if available.
- Events with artistic, cultural, scientific, political, creative, and/or educational value preferred.
- Events sponsored or promoted by real world corporations are welcome, as long they serve and entertain the Second Life community, and/or foster Resident-made content (live music, builds, scripting, fashion, games, etc.) Events that merely promote the company or organization's Second Life presence are not generally appropriate; you may instead consider advertising your event or service on New World Notes.
- Mature-rated events are permissible, but listing descriptions should be PG-13. Political and religious events are encouraged, though those of an extreme or non-inclusive variety are rarely included.
- Bonus consideration given to game-related or machinima events, and for events with "I've never seen that in SL before!" value.
If you'd like an event to be considered, send the description and event information via email to Charlanna Beresford or Moggs Oceanlane. (Moggs is collaborating with me on the list and help compile and write this week's list). Or contact us in-world via IM or drop a folder or notecard in our inventories that contains your event information and images.
Email [email protected] or invite us to an event using this email address via Google Calendar. We are on Facebook as Charlanna Beresford and Moggs Oceanlane.
Join Lanna’s group on to stay up to date on what's happening in SL.