After an exhausting search, NWN style correspondent Iris Ophelia is finally ready to profile her ten hottest avatar guys for 2008-- look for her list starting next week! For now, here's some unidentified jaws and foreheads to glimpse and guess at.
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Finding the hottest male AVATAR is the easiest about finding the hottest male avatar OWNER? Yeah, that's right...finding some guy who ISN'T some grease-covered Cheeto-hoarding bald neckbeard.
That's why I was never comfortable with getting a lapdance/SL escort...the thought that behind that gorgeous blonde that I'm doing the humpty-hump with, there lies some snaggle-toothed hag with over-tanned skin like a leather coin purse e-whoring herself out for beer money. I'm good with suspended disbelief, but THAT kind of suspended belief, to ignore that fact, is something my winkie simply can't do.
Good freakin' luck with that. Sounds like a worthy talent search to me.
Posted by: Two Worlds | Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 08:51 AM
Hey, Two-worlds, I don't think you have to worry about snaggle-toothed hags. A huge chunk of the women in SL are men.
Posted by: cyn vandeverre | Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 09:25 AM
Yeah...or that.
Rule 29 of the Internet: All girls on the Internet are men, and all kids are undercover FBI agents.
Rule 30 of the Internet: There are no girls on the Internet.
Posted by: Two Worlds | Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 09:44 AM
"finding some guy who ISN'T some grease-covered Cheeto-hoarding bald neckbeard."
I'm so offended by such a stereotype! I not only shaved my neck this morning but I also would never, ever eat Cheese poofs of any sort.
Furthermore, let me add that...damn!..I dropped my bag of Rancho-Cheese Doritos and it spilled my two-liter Mountain Dew.
Posted by: Iggy O | Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 11:56 AM
"finding some guy who ISN'T some grease-covered Cheeto-hoarding bald neckbeard."
I'm so offended by such a stereotype! I not only shaved my neck this morning but I also would never, ever eat Cheese poofs of any sort.
Furthermore, let me add that...damn!..I dropped my bag of Rancho-Cheese Doritos and it spilled my two-liter Mountain Dew.
Posted by: Iggy O | Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 11:56 AM
OMG, Two Worlds! Do you have more rules or a link to them? That is hilarious!!!
Posted by: Becca Imako | Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 02:31 PM
Wow Two Worlds, must you come into every thread you reply with some negative, back handed remark? That one trick pony's getting lame. You're hardly some bad boy who speaks his mind. More like a petulant 3 year old who's been ignored in favor of the new baby.
Posted by: Gahum Riptide | Sunday, November 23, 2008 at 04:41 PM
ROFLOL, Two Worlds!!!!!!
I see SL as a virtual Vegas for that very reason. What happens in SL most definitely will STAY in SL as far as I'm concerned. Don't wanna know who/what they are in RL; just leave me my happy illusions :D
Posted by: Arcadian Vanalten | Monday, November 24, 2008 at 09:57 AM