If you're at the Great Wall of China, fly East toward the tiny island off the coast, which is where you'll find a tiny island inhabited by rusty but curious robots, two friendly denizens from an apocalyptic future, and their steampunk masterpiece: the Bogon Flux, the self-creating, self-destroying edifice of oily pipes, scrap metal, and occasional flashes of delicate beauty.
This is a direct SLURL teleport link to the Bogon Flux in China.
The work of Cutea Benelli and Blotto Epsilon, the Bogon Flux used to reside in the Wastelands-- which is where Mescaline Tammas shot "Pipedream", his brilliant machinima featuring it-- but after deciding the Flux didn't necessarily fit there [see update below], were invited to relocate it to the China sims, owned by a fellow Wasteland veteran. If you look closely, they tell me, you will find secrets and mysteries in the Bogon Flux's new home. Mescaline, by the way, has a tutorial on using his sepia-steampunk WindLight presets: go here to check it out.
Update, 3:30pm: In Comments, Mr. Epsilon clarifies why they moved the Flux to China: "The reason for leaving the Wastes wasn't because it wasn't a good fit, on the contrary it was a great setting and our neighbors there were incredibly gracious." Rather, the Wasteland site owned by their friend Makaio Stygian was always intended to be temporary. "Cutea and I are grateful for the time it did it's fluxing there, and the inspiration we drew from the community."
thanks so much for the kind review. i wanted to clarify one thing
i might have misspoken about:: the reason for leaving the Wastes
wasn't because it wasn't a good fit, on the contrary it was a
great setting and our neighbors there were incredibly gracious
(and several contributed modules to the build). but our arrangement
with Makaio Stygian (the sim owner and a generous and good friend)
was temporary from the beginning, and Cutea and i are grateful
for the time it did it's fluxing there, and the inspiration
we drew from the community.
Posted by: epsilon | Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 12:57 PM