Exclusive to NWN, Iris Ophelia's ongoing showcase of all things stylish in SL
The Hottest Male Avatars of 2007 were a great start, but this year we really upped the ante. After three weeks of semi finalist voting and a top eleven, there was still one thing left to do, and that was to crown the Hottest Male Avatar of 2008, based on a reader poll of ten finalists. With Prad Prathivi coming in 3rd place and Dpende Control coming in 2nd, Bone Mosten was crowned Hottest Male of 2008 in style at Seven Ultra Lounge, and even CNBC blogged the story. Bone's more than a pretty face, though. Read on to get to know Bone a little better.
When I initially profiled Bone, I spoke about the nerdy side he's quick to expose in his profile. While I was a little surprised that he'd beaten the beefcakes on the list (like the smoldering Raul Crimson), I think it may be his geeky-charm that sealed the deal. There can be pretty minimal variety in male avatars, especially those that aren't in the fashionista set, so a guy like Bone who has a rather humble physique and a sincere attitude about himself is practically irresistible. Although, before I say Bone's no fashionista, he did bend the rules and blog about the outfit pictured above.
That brings me to something else quite attractive about Bone. Though he won't talk your ear off, he's very well spoken and exceptionally witty, and his blog is proof of that. He's also a gifted artist, and has set up a small gallery, Tetra (SLurl here), where he sells digital versions of his work. I asked him if he would be adding to it any time soon, and much to my dismay he seemed a bit hesitant, telling me, "I just haven't done anything worth framing recently... I just really like ideas. And once I have hashed out an idea, I don't always feel the need to render it to completion." These days he focusses a little more on writing. You can also catch an article by him in the latest issue of Second Style.
Bone originally joined SL in 2004 out of boredom, but dropped it for the same reason. "I was always interested in virtual worlds, though," he says, "So I had always kept an eye on what was happening in here. I managed to make myself into a blue flying baby in an orange rubber jumper but kinda got stuck on the whole what to do next. I forced myself to go out and meet people and make new social contacts. And I ended up meeting some great people and got hooked. Plus, I never really tried to any sort of building my first time around-- I really think that any noobie needs to at least try to make something before giving up."
I also asked Bone how he went from a bouncing blue baby to the avatar so many of his followers adore. "I started out by making myself a tiny avatar. Then I someone pointed me in the direction of Eloh Elliot's photoshop templates after I complained about not being able to sit anywhere without falling apart. Suddenly I found myself obsessively tweaking this avatar. A continuous work in progress." Humble as he is, he had to add, "I dunno if that's really a good answer."
The charming, self-effacing geek type is clearly hard for us to resist. While Bone isn't officially partnered to anyone, he didn't show up at Seven unescorted. Sorry ladies, but this Bone's been picked.
Iris Ophelia has been featured in the New York Times and has spoken about
SL-based design at the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan.
I dunno... seems to me that facial piercing is an automatic disqualification for being a hot male.
But I have a shaved head in SL, so what do I know?
Posted by: Garth Goode | Friday, December 26, 2008 at 11:55 AM