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Monday, December 15, 2008


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Why are so many SL Residents wishing death and doom on Home? Isn't that a bit pathetic?

Sony have one big advantage you failed to mention - CONTENT. Tons of it. It's owned by Sony who own some of the worlds biggest TV, movie and game companies. Home was never meant to be another SL, full of user-content - it's a means to deliver (and monetize) Sony's own commercial content. Get your friends together for a movie/TV show/game - and pay for the privilege.

I guess it depends what you think the future of virtual worlds actually is - seems to me Sony have a more innovative vision than Linden Lab, who want to turn SL into a conference center, wow...

Eric Rice

@Jovin yeah, I'm just assuming "SL fans = Home haters" which is a cousin to "gamers != virtual world residents" when 'virtual world' = a construct unto itself. If you assume game editors (like my current love, Far Cry 2), gives you the ability to create a world, why is the stigma absent from there.

I, for one, am excited and optimistic about home, and how it might be able to contextualize itself into gaming. What's awful is how the first stories HAVE TO MUST ALWAYS WILL BE about the sex, pervy avs and all that.

Par for the course.

Doubledown Tandino

I'm going to guess that HOME goes onward to a tangent and niche that SL does not imcorporate...

HOME, I'm sure in the near future will be the connection hub for gamers and gaming, in relation to Playstation. Guilds and groups of players will form, and I'm fairly certain home will be a tool to connect with other online gamers in a new way.

Personally, I don't wish death to Home. I also don't hear playstation comparing Home to SL.

But, Home is already on the slow death pace.
In my opinion, the #1 reason as to why it will fail is because the Home residents will not be able to make their mark even when they are logged off. In SL, I can build my own home and it's still there when I log off. In Ps3's Home, what's still left of him or her inside the world when one logs off?

Crap Mariner

"and very few people are extemporaneously witty and charming in voice"

I don't own a PS3. Sorry.

Eric Rice

@doubledown Not entirely true, as there are group features and shared spaces that your friends can use, even if you aren't logged in.

We're watching the media angle, as youtube and other tech was allowed at one point (now it's not), and the music interface is curious, esp with regards to voting on songs.

Sigmund Leominster

It seems like "Home" is being subjected to the "Oh, I hope it fails" mentality that is often directed at Second Life. Sadly it looks like some of the critics are going to be Second Life residents! The new kid on the block is the new target.

Sony's "Home" may have a linger lease of life than Lively but still suffers from not yet being able to sustain a user-driven economy. Giving Homers the ability to create product and sell it allows them to build up a stake in their virtual world.

There may also be some truth in the notion of needing women. Odd as it may seem, relationships are an important, if not critical, feature of a sustainable virtual environment. The over-focus on sexuality in Second Life is merely one aspect of the intensity of relationships, which includes non-sexual ones.

So I'm not going to join the "Die, Home, die" bandwagon but wait to see how it pans out for the next 2-6 months. If Sony can inject user-created products and more opportunities for close interactions, Home may well surprise its critics.


I would have thought that World of Warcraft would be a bigger threat/cmpetitior to Home than SL.

evonne ~inKenzo~

Sorry Home, but Little Big Planet or Habbo sound like more imaginative fun to me. You look pretty but give me a single reason why I should give you my time?

Apparently not horny enough,
~female tech betatester~


The fact that HOME is bringing the virtual world concept to WAY more people than SL ever could is a great thing for ALL virtual worlds. HOME is brand new and has most likely already surpassed SL's best day of most concurrent users EVER. If not now...It'll happen in the very near future. Keep in mind the majority of people playing games could CARE LESS about creating content and the things SL lovers use the program for. I create AAA games for Xbox & Playstation, as well as content in SL so I see both sides of the coin and know this to be true... TONNES of SL users don't even create content on the level I think alot of you believe goes on.

HOME is in fact about monetization and product placement for GAMES... with the bonus being a social layer. On a side note...Even the new XBox experience allows avatars to be created and that has proven to be VERY popular...and growing unbelievably fast...with XBOX Live making more $$$ than ever because of the NXE update. I believe it's only a matter of time before HOME starts to take off as well. People need to get grip when it comes to bashing HOME...it's new... of course it's not gonna work 100% right off the start.... SL was pretty much crap (compared to now) for the FIRST FEW YEARS when it started... VERY unstable, VERY limited in function as well....but most of you probably weren't even around back then to say otherwise. But hey...if it makes you feel better to bash a company with over 14 MILLION active users trying to bring VW's to a larger world audience than SL EVER could... go ahead... you only make yourself look like a stupid SL Fanboy/Girl. Time will tell... in a year my bet is that HOME will have a crazy amount of people using it while SL keeps plodding along at its SLOW (in comparison to other worlds) march upward. I love SL for what it is... but the majority of the world will use the VW that comes with the gaming console they are already using. This is just the beginning!

Nexus Burbclave

@Jovin, I don't know that Home is the actual target of any animosity that may emerge in the Second Life blogosphere/user base. I think that most of us get that Home is a different beast than Second Life as you pointed out in your comments.

The target is not Home, but rather clueless mainstream biz, tech and gaming journalists that don't get the differences (often because they've never even logged in to Second Life), and insist on reporting (insert flavor of the month virtual world) as a potential Second Life killer even though it lacks 90% of what Second Life users consider Second Life's killer apps. When people make such invalid pronouncements, we can either roll our eyes silently or make an effort to correct them publicly. Many of us feel the need to do the later.

Nexus Burbclave

doh, apparently typepad ate my corrected version and I accidentally posted an earlier version. The last sentence should read:

Many of us feel the need to do the latter, because the misinformation is far more damaging than the "competition"


Home may be much more attractive to corps because of the high quality spaces that can be created there.

In Second Life, lots of people create but very few actually look at what's being created outside of stores. It has a very self-centered userbase. I believe this is mainly because of the general poor quality and performance of Second Life.


I had high hopes for Home. I originally bought my PS3 for it. Two years down the line though I'm very disappointed.

I look at the avatars in Home and think of all the fun they are missing in SL.

In Home nothing changes, in SL the horizon is always changing. In Home you look out from your apartment balcony and see no one. In SL anybody can pop by, anytime.

I like the randomness of SL, were anything can happen.

I see Home as just a hub for launching games with a friend in the long run.


Yup, I think Ethan's basically right - HOME could be a perfect 'training-wheels' partner to Second Life not its enemy.

The mentality that sees a failure for HOME as a victory for SL is delusional and adolescent. It would be another public failure of the idea that virtual worlds are viable engaging platforms - and in that scenario SL loses too.

Hamlet Au

Agreed, Jovin. When Lively tanked there was a lot of "See, this shows virtual worlds are a flash in the pan." Valleywag even said, "See, this means Second Life is going to die too", but then they would.

Iggy O

I want Home to do well, if only to encourage others to roll out their own virtual worlds. Though I agree with Hamlet's assessment of the hurdles Home faces (esp. the low-female usage of Playstations) we in SL need Home to make it: more worlds raise the bar for LL and will lead to a better SL (or kill it, one).

Home's avatars, even on this little video, are impressive, in all their doofus hat-backward glory. There's an "Uncanny Valley" feeling to how they move. I didn't see one penguin-walking noob in the lot.

I'm not interested in joining the Homies: I've no PS and without user-created content there's no draw. The same goes for the much-anticipated Blue Mars VW. Moreover, Home will not do anything for the edu-crowd now joining SL in decent numbers, if EDUCAUSE and other groups are accurate in their assessments.

It might provide a good place to study virtual communities--until some droopy-pantalooned frat-boy bumps you enough and you deck him.

Well, that might be big fun :)


I think the point about gender balance is valid, but the point about lack of keyboard support is just wrong. The ps3 has USB ports, thereby allowing players to use any keyboard they want. Furthermore, there are even keyboards made specifically to fit onto a ps3 controller (http://store.gameshark.com/viewItem.asp?idProduct=2883). Players can and do use keyboards with their ps3s (and Home) on a daily basis.


I envy them their highly realistic, believable environment, though. Look at those shadows! And the water! And the skirts! And the pants's legs! The video and screenshots on the website made me salivate and I find myself pining for a PS3 now when I never cared for game consoles much. Of course I wouldn't go to all that trouble, as there would be little point if it is to confer with gamers when I'm not one myself.

If they would let users create content using the same tools these professionals are using and export "Home" somewhere where it wouldn't be constricted to a community of gamers, I would forget about SL and JOIN IN A HEARTBEAT, I SWEAR I WOULD.

PS3 Controller

I would say that the PS3 has USB ports and allow users to use any keyboard they want. However I want Home to do well. This is quite an interesting posting.

christian louboutin

I am totally immersed myself in the excellent stuff.It is our great pleasure to share the wonderful blog with you. Best Regards!

Herve leger

Home's avatars, even on this little video, are impressive, in all their doofus hat-backward glory. There's an "Uncanny Valley" feeling to how they move. I didn't see one penguin-walking noob in the lot.

ergo infant carrier

I would say that the PS3 has USB ports and allow users to use any keyboard they want. However I want Home to do well. This is quite an interesting posting.

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