There was a lot of excitement when SL programming ninja Kirstenlee Cinquetti released her "S16" version of the Second Life viewer earlier this month, sometimes described as The Best SL Viewer Evar, but there were also some frowns. Namely, that the S16 didn't come with a version for Mac or Linux, and since its code wasn't readily available, that it wasn't fully compliant with the GPL license. All those points have now been addressed. There is now a Mac version, with a Linux version in development [see update below], and the source code is also available. You can get them all here at this FTP site. The Mac version is by Hyang Xhao, who has more details (and Mac user replies, mostly ecstatic) on her blog here. The source code is also available at the above FTP link, though Ms. Cinquetti has some provisos about the GPL license:
"[S]ome of my changes such as the scanner or artwork I use the BSD license (which is fully permissive ) but not GPL-compliant as it does not require the copyleft requirements of GPL. This is where it could become a thorny issue as i am not a legal eagle in this department and other builders may wish to remove those components to maintain a GPL stance."
When the S16 was first announced, she reports receiving a number of nasty attacks about GPL compliancy. "I do find it very alarming that a small minority are the guardians of all that is good and right," she tells me now. "But that's life I guess," she adds, smiling sadly, "and to be honest it's put me right off ever posting any clients again, perhaps i should go back to just making them for my own enjoyment, certainly it would be less stressful." I personally hope that doesn't happen.
Update, 1/23: Balp Allen notes in Comments that he's the developer of the Linux version, which is available now. Read about it and download it from his blog.
"I do find it very alarming that a small minority are the guardians of all that is good and right,"
That bothers me. The code is released under a license so people don't run off and use it for their sole good. I know the GPL crowd can be vocal and short-fused at times but no one wants to see open sourced code be improved upon and then hidden away. The whole thing breaks down if that happens.
Posted by: Veeyawn Spoonhammer | Thursday, January 22, 2009 at 05:05 PM
While I think the rabid behavior of some of the OS fanatics is a bit much, at the same time... the GPL isn't some 'impediment', given the point is to give you more options than strict copyright law allows and to make sure you pass it along.
Don't want to pass it along? Don't use GPLed code. It's no worse than not being able to use completely closed-source code. If you don't like abiding by the license, don't use it.
That said, I'm pretty sure there's nothing preventing someone from making seperate modules under a seperate license, and the scanner and browser addons seem like they'd qualify - I fully support that. Just respect Linden Labs' initial choice of the GPL if you use their code, otherwise do it yourself from scratch or keep it to yourself. I'd regret the last, but the license has no point if it isn't obeyed.
Posted by: Aliasi Stonebender | Thursday, January 22, 2009 at 07:38 PM
Does anybody have benchmarks of this code versus the standard LL viewer?
I'm curious if the posited speed increases are due to it being compiled on PC using SSE instructions. The LL viewer doesn't do that, which means the official viewer runs on some older Athlon microprocessors, but might be costing it some speed.
Posted by: James Foo | Thursday, January 22, 2009 at 09:46 PM
what bugs me about this viewer is the edit button when you rightclick is moved....
Posted by: Fenoe | Thursday, January 22, 2009 at 11:53 PM
The Linux build is from my blog.
Soure at Kristens page,
Posted by: Balp Allen | Friday, January 23, 2009 at 12:39 AM
A nice little mail with the question to Kristen and you did get the code and even a thank you on her page. I can't see that failing the GPL. The dos2unix on a few non source files. I guess that can't make the need for an other zip file, actually I think unzip could have made it with the right flags.
Posted by: Balp Allen | Friday, January 23, 2009 at 12:42 AM
Thanks Balp, I wasn't sure if the Linux version was ready; I'll update accordingly.
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Friday, January 23, 2009 at 01:13 AM
Thanks to Kirsten and especially to Balp. I look forward to trying it out.
Posted by: Melissa Yeuxdoux | Friday, January 23, 2009 at 01:32 AM
I've tried it now... very responsive, and I kind of like the orange and gray color scheme. Something's odd about animations, though--when I stand still, I'm frozen in mid-step, and I flew in a standing pose. Weird.
Posted by: Melissa Yeuxdoux | Friday, January 23, 2009 at 03:11 AM
Yeah... also Animations look strange here on the linux version... Hmm? Graphics look good and smooth! Better than orignal viewer!
Posted by: Knusper | Saturday, January 24, 2009 at 08:41 AM
The default animation well the movment beforee the AO starts looks strange sometimes.....
Posted by: Balp Allen | Friday, January 30, 2009 at 06:37 AM
Ok you people that have to hate on others great work just because it does not have what you think it should have or complain about it due to some perceived slight in it's use! in stead of constructive comments and praise for some one who took the initiative to build a better platform for us to us in our beloved VR World. kirsten has deleted her account and now the windows version is no more and the hope of future up dates from a very good programmer are gone!!!! I hope some one picks up the source code and continues the great work Started by Kirsten and or maybe shell come back ..
Posted by: Natsuki | Monday, February 09, 2009 at 05:44 PM
I am running the viewer s16 in vista windows and it takes a lot of memory, more than XP it right ?
Posted by: Marc Mar | Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 05:33 AM
Can someone please point me the the source, preferably hacked up for a mac. But any will do. It doesn't seem to be in the previously listed ftp any more.
This is a fine viewer. But if the source is not available it is not open source. Sort of obvious, that. I don't know what the 3 years keeping sources is about. If it is in a public repository like SourceForge it isn't going anywhere. And in no time it is on tons of developer machines as well. I have never heard of a requirement that I must personally keep copies for three years. Seems pretty pointless and over lawyered if true.
Posted by: serendipity | Saturday, June 20, 2009 at 02:27 AM
I bought the latest model of Mac Mini - 2,53Ghz - 4GRAM & Nvidia 9400 - and so far I tried 3 Mac viewers - Release Candidate (the best so far) - the official one and Snowglobe - both last 2 worked really worse than Release
- I m now downloading the S18 for Mac from Kirsten and will soon let you know - i m only worried about results and facts, nothing else, see you all soon in few mintes
Posted by: SL - Loff Auer | Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 02:10 PM
Hi, I cant install, it keeps trying but reports a missing file etc etc, sorry Kirsten, would love to know how you managed against other viewers, better luck for me next time, but congratulations on helping others anyway, is always very noble, cheers
Posted by: SL - Loff Auer | Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 02:46 PM
since i tried it, seems that my avi got stuck online forever and cannot log in when the time that says available to log in comes, it always shifting ahead to be available that never end, while my friends says im still online, while there are no ghostly found anywhere on the grid and the LL already tried to shut the avi off still cameback online even i change the password theres no effect what so ever.
Posted by: Rocket D | Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 09:13 PM