Given the tenor of current events in the Middle East, this should be especially interesting: Today at 8am SLT/PDT, James Glassman, US Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, will be appearing as an avatar in Second Life to answer questions from student journalists from Cairo, Egypt. As the State Department's public affairs head, the ongoing conflict in Gaza will almost certainly be discussed. You can register to attend in-world, or watch a video simulcast from the web; in either case, you can submit questions to Glassman or the students. Here's all the details for doing that, courtesy of Schmilsson Nilsson/Joshua S. Fouts and Eureka Dejavu/Rita J King of metaverse developer Dancing Ink Productions.
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Just wanted to pop in and say this is very VERY cool, especially the timing. There are many important current events to be discussed.
Posted by: Doubledown Tandino | Monday, January 12, 2009 at 05:16 AM