This is a frenetically intriguing trailer for VolaVola (Italian for "Fly me"), an upcoming feature film from Berardo Carboni, who also wrote and directed the controversial 2006 movie Shooting Silvio (here's Variety's review.) According to VolaVola's Facebook group description, the movie will be shot partly in Rome and partly in Second Life, mixing machinima and film footage to tell a story of shifting realities, and three couples whose lives gradually become intertwined. Here's the production's homepage, which is already rampant with crisp and compelling screenshots. From the looks of them, veteran Resident and former NWN contributor Aimee Weber will make a cameo appearance, or maybe more. Hat tip:
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The future of cinema? Or just my hope that I can make a killing with a film of the next chapter of Captain Lincoln Stern's adventures from "Heavy Metal"?
Either way, I'll look forward to the full feature.
There is a Captain Stern avatar out there, btw...
"Now take it EASY, Hanover..."
Posted by: Iggy O | Monday, January 19, 2009 at 07:26 AM