I've mentioned the Insulin Pump fashion accessory of Noelyci Ingmann, a "What's that thing you're wearing?" conversation item created to raise awareness of real world diabetes. Or as you'd call it in LOLCat speak, "Diabeetus". After I offhandedly pointed that out in a Plurk thread, Noelcyi has gone and customized his pump for all the many cat people avatars in SL: behold, the Neko Diabeetus Insulin Pump, an educational campaign turbo-charged with Internet memes. Pictured: Tyssenn Laville from Ingmann's Insulin Pump Hotties photos series, with LOLCat/Diabeetus embellishment by Hamlet.
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Just to be clear, from a realism standpoint. Juvenille diabetes is a radically different disease then adult onset. Type 1 is a truly devastating thing to deal with and that's what the insulin pump is designed to give a taste of. There is no pill, there is no cure. It's a daily constant battle to manage. Type 2 is adult onset and usually has a different management schedule.
Having said that... this is fun education and I thank Hamlet for the idea. I think Nekos and LoLCatz would have to have type 'free' wouldn't they?
By the way, a portion of my profits (about 25%) from Ingmann Design Group go to support the JDRF. Their website is www.jdrf.org and they are truly the way to support if you're interested.
Thanks for the ping Hamlet, certainly appreciate it.
Posted by: Noelyci Ingmann | Friday, February 06, 2009 at 04:29 PM
OMG that's so awesome and strange and cool. I'm getting one tonight!
Posted by: rikomatic | Friday, February 06, 2009 at 05:18 PM