Veteran SL-based educator Joe Essid (Ignatius Onomatopoeia in SL) wonders if members of Second Life's educational community inadvertently alienate colleagues who haven't drank the metaverse's pedagogical Kool Aid. He offers four guidlines for talking with educators who still aren't sure SL's worth trying as a teaching tool:
- Avoid the term “resident” with colleagues.
- Avoid in-world jargon and assumptions.
- Avoid both sensationalism and denial.
- Avoid the myth of inevitability.
I'd say the last one is the most important, because it's still far from clear how broadly adopted SL will ultimately be. Far better, in my opinion, to simply demonstrate its proven utility as a development and teaching platform, and let the market deal with the adoption question. Anyway, read Iggy's reasoning here, and add advice of your on.