Sanny Yoshikawa's English language guide to the wonders of Japanese language Second Life
I find one of the most amazing things of SL is that I can listen to a real life live performance in Japan virtually, even though I am in Australia, and can share in a good time with audiences from all over the world. Here's three of my favorites Japanese bands:
Kichijouji, Tokyo, is home to Plastic Soul Band, one of the most innovative musicians based in the Japanese SL community. Their live broadcasting of their soulful RL performance onto a SL stage was one of the most remarkable things I've seen in-world. (You can see a live performance on You Tube - but the sound is fixed, while the original stage performance in SL was a live stream.)
SLurls: Plastic Soul Band (Semoshi) / Plastic Soul Band Live Stage (MM21)
Vocalist Kyoko Okada (SL: Kyoko Okey) has “Lounge Kyoko” in Kowloon sim illuminated by neon lights. She does a web streaming program, “Tuesday Night Session”, every Tuesday from 11p.m. Japan time (Second Life Time: Monday 6 a.m.) from this lounge. Even if you can’t get up that early you can catch new songs by Plastic Soul Band at ”Lounge Kyoko” everyday, and you might meet some fans or even Kyoko herself to have a chat. How cool is that!
SLurl: Lounge Kyoko
When I saw DJ Oasis (SL: Izumin Saeed) for the first time at an event last year, I thought he was a brief visitor, only there for a one-time music promotion. But his online status since then tells me he enjoys SL very much. He is a major Hip Hop musician in Japan and his music features in movies such as “Kyokino Sakura” (English title; Maddness in Bloom) and the recent “Detroit Metal City” with his RL music partner K-DUB-SHINE. He acts energetically in SL and now he is a member of the SL-based DJ group ABS too.
ABS members DJ SHIN (SL:Turntable Hax), DJ Hunger(SL:Hanger Hammerer), DJ Mellow Master Macoto (SL:Dela Brimm) and DJ Sagara(SL:Sagara Rau) are working as DJs in RL too. The best thing about listening to their music in-world is that I can communicate with these DJs directly with IM chat, and I can see their “Spin-off” play sometimes. Also you will see real Shibuya style in their shows – check out the well- customized girls’ avatars at the party!
Blog: ABS BLOG /
According to their note card, Piatto is a virtual idol in Second Life who is produced by M2J Production. Since May 2007, members of Piatto have been acclaimed by the public. They do some live concerts and say their sims are full every time they play. This sure seems true to me. I couldn’t get into their packed sim during events. Piatto consists of three pretty girls avatars, Orie Matoba (Vocalist), Beyonce Qunhua (Dancer) and Tammy Lytton (Dancer). Piatto became SL Japan’s representative idol group. With Orie’s clear and high tone voice and their bright costumes designed by famous B@R or KiKi No.18, they remind me of anime characters or Akihabara’s idols. They are VERY cute. Blog: Piatto
If you are interested in more Japanese music, here are some direct links (SLurl) of music stores. You can listen to all the music in the shops and purchase music(mp3 files) in world with L$ 200-300:
TOMER RECORDS: ableseed / KanazawaSLing /MagSL Gyokkodou
2007年4月より、SLウロウロユーザー。オーストラリア在住。音楽イベントによく出没します。悩みの種は微妙な時差でイべント中に眠くなること。超有名ブログの日本語訳は大チャレンジですが、日本のユーザーの皆さんとNew World Notesの記事をシェアすることができれば光栄です。
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