A group Second Life blog with a very fortunate URL, What the Fug has a lot to love about it. We love the authors' uncanny ability to ferret out spectacularly bad avatar fashion. We love the punchy but good humored sass they bring to the enterprise. ("Crikey," announces Alicia Chenaux like the late Steve Irwin, "It's the mysterious Blue Breasted Fug!!") Most of all, we love the near-daily evidence in a world where glowing capes and robot wings are totally acceptable accessories, it's still quite possible to become a fashion disaster. How could you go one more day without checking out the latest Fug sighting?
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It's a little too "Mean Girls" for my taste....I like snark as much as the next person, but sustained snark at the expense of others ultimately reflects on the snaker, not the snarkee.
Posted by: Jane2 McMahon | Friday, February 06, 2009 at 05:32 PM
Posted by: Jane2 McMahon | Friday, February 06, 2009 at 05:32 PM
it is a must read for me every day. I get great news from blogs like yours and then read the SL will never last after this latest thing they just did blogs (sky is always falling blogs). then I head over to her blog and get a good chuckle.
Posted by: John | Friday, February 06, 2009 at 08:55 PM
I love this blog :)
Posted by: Sanny | Saturday, February 07, 2009 at 09:05 PM