Voshie Paine, manager of Crimson Shadow and a model for FACES, has an in-depth runway walking tutorial for would-be SL models on the blog of Rezzable (an NWN partner). Ms. Paine mentions a full tutorial takes two to three hours, but even walking the runway is a complex process, done with a heads-up display that looks about as complicated as a World of Warcraft HUD. (Anyone considered creating a supermodel MMORPG?) Roleplaying a Second Life model paradoxically seems far more complicated than doing the real thing. An 80's supermodel was once asked how she managed to stride up and down the runway so dramatically and with such sexy purpose. She shrugged and said something like, "I just pretend that I'm walking out of my apartment, realize I've forgotten something, and go back to my place to get it." And she didn't have to worry about crashing into invisible barriers built along the runway to prevent models plummeting into the audience during lag waves.
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Voshie is also the owner/manager of Nocturne Modelling Agency (http://www.nocturnemodelling.com/). And while the HUD looks complicated, so does the SL platform initially (my mom still thinks it is). It's all a matter of becoming familiar with the tools and procedures.
Posted by: Terry Toland | Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 10:05 AM
Weirdly enough, I did find the one time I did runway modeling in SL to be similar to being a healer in MMORPG's. Hitting your mark, following cues and instructions, being aware of the situation (if someone in front of you is having issues) A rather interesting experience overall.
Posted by: CronoCloud Creeggan | Friday, March 13, 2009 at 07:28 AM
Wow thanks for picking this up! :D And while the hud seems complicated, it's not so bad when you get used to it, it's just a bit HUGE lol. Also just wanted to clarify one point, I'm no longer manager of Crimson Shadow, that would be Dreams Lightcloud <33 Again thanks! :D
Posted by: Voshie Paine | Friday, March 13, 2009 at 10:51 AM