When I talked with Cyn Linden about the coming "Adult Continent", where sexual and extremely violent content in Second Life will be sent this Summer, I asked her if a group called "Dark Den RP Group", which by its own description, offers "Kidnap, auction and slavery RP", fit under that category. Surprisingly, she and the Lindens' lawyer suggested it wouldn't, since the group's wording was "not about sex and violence."
So once again thanks to Louis Platini of Metaverse Business, here are nine top* roleplaying groups in Second Life which have the largest memberships, and have a strong sexual theme. The full list is probably not safe for work reading. Assuming they have content on the main continents, which of these do you think would be sent to the Adult Continent, and which would be allowed to stay where they are?
Capture Roleplay Members - 6602 Members - Official Description: ANYONE WHO IMS THIS GROUP OR OPENS A GROUP CHAT SESSION WILL GET KICKED! This group allows access to the CARP mazes, dungeons and home point (Search-> Places-> CARP Home Point). For information about how to join go to CARP (Search->Places->CARP) and click the infosign. If you want to chat with other CARPers, use the "Capture Roleplay Chat" group instead.
Dark Den RP Group: 4736 Members - Official Description: Kidnap, auction and slavery RP. Our location is at Glint, 149,140,330 Informations can be found at: http://darkden-in-sl.blogspot.com/ ****STRICTLY NO CHAT HERE. **** For Chat join the Dark Den RP Chat. 10L$ subscription fee to discourage spammers and chatters.
Dark Alley - 2960 Members - Official Description:ANYONE WHO IMS THIS GROUP OR OPENS A GROUP CHAT SESSION WILL GET KICKED! This group allows access to the CARP mazes, dungeons and home point (Search-> Places-> CARP Home Point). For information about how to join go to CARP (Search->Places->CARP) and click the infosign. If you want to chat with other CARPers, use the "Capture Roleplay Chat" group instead.
Hillcrest College - 2759 Members - Official Description: Posting any type of URL or advert in this group will auto-ban you. This is the main group for the Hillcrest College school roleplaying group. All announcements are done in this group. Hillcrest is an adult environment for those who enjoy school based role play. We cater to schoolgirl, teacher, jock, cheerleader, prom, slut, naughty nurse, BDSM, etc. type fetishes. Come by, get a guest tag and enjoy the school girl / boy RP. Accepting all transfers from Fullton, Hunter High, Halo and Riverdell Tech.
ESCORTS LOUNGE - 2205 Members - Official Description: THE ORIGINAL ESCORTS LOUNGE! The Best Girls are here...sexy, witty, friendly and fun! A wonderful home away from home for over 1000 of SL's top escorts! Beautiful, fully equipped house and role play rooms on property. All free to use for escorts and their clients. Join us in the lounge to dance to some great music, chat and play. Always a friendly place to hang out and meet a beautiful, sexy girl. IM Alissa Munro or Sophia Debevec for a tag. Our traffic is true traffic! No campers or bots here!
Capture Roleplay Chat - 2182 Members - Official Description: This is a CARP group used for chat between players. You *can* talk on this group, but please, no off-topic or commercial spam. Membership of this group does NOT give you access to CARP's dungeons/mazes! You need the "Capture Roleplay Members" group for that! For more information about CARP, use Search -> Places -> "CARP" to find us, then click the info sign next to the TP in point.
RED-V BROTHEL - 2091 Members - Official Description: The right place for people that loves High Class Role Play. The Group has a nice and rotten habour SIM and a place for street whores. Including a big brothel and jail & dungeon. From filthy to stylish all members have one thing in mind and that is sex in all its nasty varitions!!! All races and species are welcome. !! BROTHEL HABOUR !!, Paalen (145, 111, 22) Free flats might be given out to whores, feel free to contact Mare Voom http://slurl.com/secondlife/The%20Endless/60/203/22
OWK in SL - 1592 Members - Official Description: Welcome ! The Other World Kingdom (OWK) is real FEM-DOM Empire. Little different than in the RL for more fun between DOMs and slaves. Possible employment for Dommes too. Strictly FEM-DOM only. Female + male slaves, subs, ponies, prisoners.... Possibility of long-term slavery, real imprisonment in jail with non-stop roleplay (female Guardesses only), as a Mistress you can use state slaves for anything. Slaves auctions too ! All info on boards in OWK-DOME, incl.application forms. (www.owk.cz)
~!@!~Back Alley~!@!~ - 1553 Members - Official Description: Castle,den,RP,slave,auction,club,rape,sex,girls,forced,xxx,urban,bad, dirty,hangout,orgy,slut,strippers,fuck,roleplay,heaven, gangbang,lapdance,hobo,drugs,money,cock,pussy,crack, romantic,vendor,nude,bdsm,ass,rent,shopping,club,escorts
* Qualifications: Note that I say "nine top" and not "top nine", because while these groups are large, they are not necessarily the largest roleplaying groups in SL. Many roleplaying communities in Second Life do not necessarily have the word "roleplay" in their description, and others contain numerous sub-groups affiliated with clans, guilds, etc. In fact, the largest sexually-themed roleplaying group are probably the Goreans -- but that's for another post.
Just as Carl Metropolitain of NCI's art gallery got him harassed, I'm sure a false-flag on a group will cause someone a headache.
The newest hunt on the grid: The Witch Hunt.
Posted by: Crap Mariner | Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at 10:38 AM
I'm sorry, but anyone who can say that slavery isn't violence must have had the same ethics training as Dick Cheney.
Posted by: Otenth Paderborn | Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at 10:49 AM
Aaaw! You missed Land of NoR dark RP, sex, violence, capture, rape, torture... NoR Chatterbugs = 1616 members. But, they have their own sims (28). The sound of automatic weapons fire would drive neighbors crazy, so it’s probably a necessity. The main sim has 51,182 traffic rating. The game meter/hud records logins, 800+/- per 24 hrs. Total members 10,000 +/-. (numbers from WARPS maker’s promo information)
Cheney… ethics… a liberal judging others… I’m so confused.
Posted by: Nalates Urriah | Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at 03:57 PM
I know this is an old psot, but, couln't help but mention, sicne you posted escorts lounge, you missed escort oasis, at over 22,000 memebers and one of the busiest clubs in sl, adult or not. pretty big miss lol.
Posted by: jenwen walpole | Sunday, January 09, 2011 at 09:20 AM