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Monday, April 20, 2009


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Adric Antfarm

In another sign of getting old.....I think it's sweet.

The fact they are around..er older than me I mean, more so since it's never really too late.

It could happen I guess. I was growing close to this noob who was begging 30L off me last week until i lost it.

Mitch Wagner

Another datapoint for something that I've been thinking a lot about lately -- Second Life doesn't stand alone, even for die-hard users, it's one of a family of social technologies that we use to stay connected. Second Life AND blogs AND Twitter AND Plurk AND Skype.

emiliano lee/emi brissot

i've known Heart for a few years now, myself. i met her and Joe via my then-SL-partner who frequently shopped at their shop and hung out with them. i've kept up with her on and off over the years both in sl and out, tho mostly out (we're also facebook/myspace friends these days). her and joe's relationship has been heartwarming/heartwrenching and inspiring.

my current partner (who i now live with in rl) and i met online via okcupid, got to know one another and became good friends via livejournal, and then when we fell in love... second life was a big factor in helping bridge the gap. being able to virtually be together, she would dance at the club i dj at and it was nice being able to see our avatars cheek to cheek even if we couldn't be. and like joe and heart, when we weren't on SL, we were almost always together via webcam and cell phones.

"if wearing headphones to bed so you can hear your sweetheart breathing from across the world isn't love, what is?"

that brought a tear to my eye, because that's exactly what we did. whether headphones or cell phones. the long distance was hard at times, but it was those little things and the ability to share in them via the web etc that helped to seriously bridge the distance.

Connie Sec

Fantastic. Anything that breaks down the "those weirdo's in love in SL" stereotype is welcome. Thanks for posting this.

Sylea Sygall

SO enjoyed this story. I too have been fortunate to meet my new RL partner on SL, and have had the honour of having our story posted on a site called Flipthemedia.com, run by a good friend of mine who teaches a masters program in Digital Media at WSU.
I did not join SL to seek out a relationship, it just happened.
The distance is challenging, and very difficult at times, but SL helps us maintain the feeling that we are 'together', even if it's in our avatar form, dancing cheek to cheek like the poster above noted. Just knowing that each other are there, on the other side of the headphones is heartening and lovely.
If anyone is interested, I have posted the link to our stories below.
I wish great happiness and success for all those who find companionship in SL. I feel blessed to have found someone so very special to me.

Rhonda Lillie

Thanks for posting this about us, I enjoy reading the comments :) And, well everything. One day I hope to have a happy "fairy tale" ending to all of this, with him and I finally together living "happily ever after"...
We've changed a lot since we first met on SL in 2004 and we've motivated each other in ways that I don't think anyone has ever motivated us before... he says to me that I changed his life... well he changed mine too,.. all for the better. And,... yes,.. it's love and more so each day.

Thanks for this!

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