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Thursday, April 30, 2009


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Nebulosus Severine

Thanks for the great article, Hamlet. I'm psyched to have been a part of this amazing broadcast, and to be a part of Arthole Radio in general.

Arahan's idea paid off well, indeed. I'm glad there was such an enthusiastic response, from both the artists who contributed, and from the listening audience.

I loved hearing all of the stories and music. I had no idea what to expect, and I have to say that the show exceeded my already-high expectations. It was amazing how well each song fit the person who chose it! (I think my favorite story was Tanith's, though that is a very tough choice.)

Arahan and I had a talk later about it, and how it really engendered in us a sense of community with our fellow artists.

Arthole Radio will keep striving to produce compelling art-related broadcasts for the amazingly diverse art community of Second Life -- including more shows of this nature!

Sunshine Kukulcan

Hearing voices of the artists and their stories....deep, moving and entertaining!

Dear Arahan, please make this a yearly experience???

(fav artist story: Juria Yoshikawa; fav music AND stories:Selavy Oh and Dekka Raymaker)

Arahan Claveau

Much thanks Hamlet, it's great you enjoyed it so much, I hope many more people listen and find it equally informative and entertaining.

There were many more artists I wanted to ask but there had to be a limit, maybe I can continue the concept in a future broadcast and include some of those that were missed this time.

The artistic community in Second Life is often so fragmented not least because everyone is understandably usually very busy, so this was a chance to take a breather, find some common ground and a unifying theme. I found it a very positive experience and I hope all the participants and listeners will feel the same.

Persig Phaeton

Every time I wander through a build by AM Radio, I hear the music of Claude DeBussy in my head. I listened to DeBussy a lot as a child and it has always evoked a reflective and slightly surreal impression, not unlike the works of AM Radio.
I haven't listened to this MP3 yet but I'll be intrigued to give it a listen when I get home from work.


Gore Suntzu

Was a great Show, with amazing tunes and stories! my fav intros were the ones from Tanith Catteneo and Dekka Raymaker, fav songs Steve Reich "Come Out" and Testament "Return to Serenity".
Def a great idea Arahan!

Arahan Claveau

Hi Hamlet,

The link for this and all our Arthole Radio shows have now changed.

You can find this show here.

Thanks a lot!


Arahan Claveau

This recording is still available on Soundcloud, or as part of the full ArthOle Radio archive on iTunes.


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